Telangana: 24-year-old arrested for raping minor Hyderabad News – Times of India

Dornakal: A 24-year-old accused raped a 17-year-old girl in Perumandalsamkisa village of Dornakal. police Mahbubabad district station limits Telangana, The police arrested the accused, B RameshResident of the same village.
The incident came to light after the minor complained of stomach ache and her mother took her to a private hospital for a health check-up. After conducting all the tests, the doctors confirmed that the girl was pregnant. Later, the girl’s parents lodged a complaint with the Dornakal police station and filed a complaint under Section 376. case registered under Indian Penal Code and POCSO Act.
(As per Supreme Court directions on matters relating to sexual harassment, the identity of the victim is not disclosed to protect her privacy)