Telangana: BJP launches digital countdown timer for TRS government. Hyderabad News – Times of India

BJP national general secretary and state in-charge Tarun Chugh launched the countdown timer “Sallu Dora-Selavu Dora (Just Sir—Goodbye Sir)”.

Hyderabad: Telangana BJP has started a website which claims that the ruling TRS will be in power for just 529 days and BJP will come to power. countdown timer “Sallu Dora-Selavu Dora (Bas Sir — Goodbye Sir)” was launched by BJP National General Secretary and State Incharge Tarun Chugh,
A digital clock will be installed in every BJP office in the state to remind the government as well as to oust the government from power in the next assembly elections.
Addressing a press conference after the launch of the website and digital clock on Saturday, the General Secretary said that the saffron party would go to every village and expose the corrupt and family rule of the Chief Minister. K Chandrasekhar Rao, He said the TRS government has failed in every field and the party is ready for an open debate on the eight-year rule of TRS. “My party’s state president will come for debate, TRS can tell the time and place,” he said.
Tarun Chugh said that though the Center has reduced VAT on fuel, KCR has not reduced VAT in the state. He said that except Telangana, every state has reduced VAT on fuel to give relief to the common man.
“Those who fought and laid down their lives for separate Telangana are now feeling cheated by KCR. who worked hard against Telangana Movement, the posts were given. Even some TRS leaders had told this to me personally. Every section of the public is unhappy with KCR and is waiting for an opportunity to say goodbye to TRS. KCR is in Kumbhakarna’s sleep,” alleged the BJP state in-charge.
On the arrangements being made for the BJP’s national executive meeting to be held in the city, Tarun Chugh said that Modi’s public meeting on July 3 will be a historic and turning point in the state. He said the party was ready to face the assembly elections in the state.

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