Telangana CM to inaugurate Police Command Control Center on August 4

Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao will inaugurate the state-of-the-art Police Command Control Center being built in the heart of the city on August 4.

Roads and Buildings Minister Vemula Prashant Reddy visited the construction site on Thursday to check the progress of the ongoing works, especially the finishing works. The minister inspected the works related to the main entrance, portico, grand entrance, museum, auditorium and other facilities and directed the officials to expedite the finishing works. He said that the officers may utilize the additional manpower to complete the works before the inauguration day.

He said that the Chief Minister would visit the Command Control Center after formally inaugurating it and the concerned officers and the working agency should make necessary arrangements in this direction. Apart from modern amenities, arrangements are being made to enable the visitors to view the city from the 14th floor of the building.

Director General of Police M. Mahender Reddy, City Police Commissioner CV Anand, R&B Engineer-in-Chief Ganapathy Reddy and other senior officials were present.