Telangana: Congress leader files police complaint against party’s state president Revanth for his temple remarks. Hyderabad News – Times of India

Hyderabad: Controversies around Telangana Congress President A Revanth Reddy is refusing to die and the latest is the police complaint lodged against him by his own party’s former MLA P Vishnuvardhan Reddy.
On Saturday, former MLA of Jubilee Hills Vishnu has lodged a complaint with the police station. Banjara Hills Police are demanding necessary action against Revanth for his remarks of gang rape in the premises of Peddamma temple in Jubilee Hills.
“Please check the details of the said video and take necessary action against the person who has made this baseless allegation as it has deeply hurt and affected thousands of devotees of Peddamma Talli. This allegation is absurd, completely baseless and false,” he said in his complaint to ACP, Banjara Hills.
Vishnu Peddamma is the Chairman and Founder Trustee of Talli Temple, Jubilee Hills. He also attached a video clip of Revanth Reddy’s media conference recently, in which the latter has alleged that the gang rape took place in the temple premises.
Revanth was yet to react till late night but sources said that Congress The leaders were maintaining a strategic silence as it was a sensitive issue and wanted to wait and see before reacting on the issue.
Revanth alleged in a recent media conference that BJP protected AIMIM Party leader allegedly involved in gang rape. Despite the heinous crime being committed in the temple premises, the BJP did not make it a big issue. While AIMIM is helping BJP everywhere in the country by contesting elections, BJP helped MIM in this matter because there was no sign of elections then.
Vishnu told TOI that he had filed the complaint not as a former Congress MLA but as the founding trustee and president of the Peddamma temple. “I started getting calls from devotees who said that they were hurt by the comments of rape in the temple premises. Revanth could have consulted me to know whether it really happened in the temple premises. The police have investigated the matter and no such thing has come to light.”