Tesla CEO Musk meets Pope Francis with teenage kids

New Delhi: Tesla CEO Elon Musk, whose USD 44 billion bid to buy Twitter is in limbo, used the social media platform to announce that he had met Pope Francis. “Honoured to meet @Pontifex yesterday,” Musk tweeted Friday afternoon, along with a photo showing him, Francis and Musk’s four teenage children.

The Vatican did not announce an audience or provide any details about the discussion. Musk’s tweet followed a street scene in Venice, suggesting there could be other stops on his tour. (Also read: Boss angry at employee’s ‘Hey’ on WhatsApp, calls it unprofessional, netizens react)

Francis often meets high-profile celebrities with strictly private audiences held at a reception at the Vatican Hotel where he stays. A common thing he makes while meeting with corporate CEOs is appeals to them to use money and technology to help the poorest of people while caring for God’s creation. (Also read: PNB hikes interest rates on fixed deposits from July 4)

On June 21, Twitter’s board recommended shareholders to approve Musk’s proposed purchase, as although Twitter’s shares are well below his offering price, it is doubtful that the sale will actually take place.