Testing increased, Kovid cases increasing daily in Maharashtra Thane News – Times of India

Mumbai: With an increase in the number of daily tests, the number of COVID-19 cases increased slightly Maharashtra – from 1,078 on Tuesday to 1,193 on Wednesday.
A similar trend was observed in Mumbai, where 29,093 tests threw up 225 positive cases on Tuesday, as against 319 cases out of 34,442 tests on Wednesday. The total tests in Maharashtra increased from 91,105 to 1,03,563 in the same period.
The daily toll in Maharashtra came down to 39, which includes five registered in Mumbai.
For the past two months, the BMC (and the state) has been recording the highest tally of the week on Wednesday. On Monday, when the week’s lowest high is usually recorded, the state and Mumbai had 809 and 258 respectively.
Several experts, including Health Minister Rajesh Tope, have indicated that there may be a marginal increase in cases after Diwali in the state, leading to a drop in winter temperatures as well.
BMC additional commissioner Suresh Kakani said, “At present, the number of Kovids is low due to overall vaccination.” “The city has increased mobility and sociability, yet the numbers are low. Our genomic sequencing has not shown any new forms of concern, indicating that the situation is under control,” Kakani said.


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