Teva found responsible for fueling opioid addiction in New York

A jury in New York State has found that Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. was liable for its role in promoting opioid addiction.

The decision came after a trial in the state’s Supreme Court on Long Island. New York Attorney General Letitia James sued Teva and other drug companies, alleging they took responsibility for the production of addictive painkillers, causing a public-health crisis.

“Today, we have taken an important step in correcting the mistakes this country has collectively experienced over the past two decades,” said Ms. James.

“Teva Pharmaceuticals strongly disagrees with today’s results and will be ready for an expedited appeal,” a company spokesperson said. He said the company is requesting that a judge declare wrongdoing because, according to Teva, New York attorneys misrepresented the volume. The opioid Teva was sold.

US-traded shares of Israeli company Teva, which specializes in generic versions of the drugs, fell about 4% Thursday afternoon.

This story has been published without modification in text from a wire agency feed

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