The 80 year old talked about the bar going viral, strange questions so far, why the cutest video

80 year old old lady talked to Alexa about the bar

Bado… A video is being circulated on social media.

this also further

Do this for Kenny’s “Kenny” Zari, each other, members of the Navy around the world, growing and growing. ️ Techniques

In the video shared on Instagram, Zari interacts with Alexa but is hesitant to ask questions. Whenever time to time, update battery-bass battery and think better about battery, these are to stay healthy.

Afarsadaha Iyer, after Ayra dressed well, they were ready to be dressed well.


“. This video ko ko 8 rair to r r r r r r r hai video ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko ko my Ko Ko Ko Ko Hain Have Have Mill Mill Mill

One wrote, “This is the cutest.” Another user commented, “Sir, sausage and pepperoni pizza are too good for you. Alexa doesn’t know anything.”

“According to the Audience’s Choice”: Pawan Siddiqui