The Art Of Pickling: 5 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid While Making Pickles

For most of us, pickle is not just a spicy condiment. It’s a lasting memory of the carefree holidays of childhood. The thought of those big porcelain jars on the terrace, filled with fresh pickles, takes us back to the holidays spent at ‘Nani Ghar’. This is why our elders say, you need a good dose of love and care along with other ingredients to make a perfect bowl of achaar. In India, the art of making pickles (read: making perfect pickles) is a tradition passed down through generations. You’ll find a variety of pickles with unique flavor profiles that vary from place to place. Some like spicy pickle and some like sweet. And then there are those who prefer a balanced flavor profile with equal amounts of salt, sweetness, and tartness. Be that as it may, pickles have remained a household staple, enhancing our meals since time immemorial.

Read also: Running out of pickles? Make and relish this instant lemon pickle

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Today, we will easily get the pack Pickle At every grocery store nearby. Though these store-bought pickles taste good, nothing beats the taste of homemade pickles. In addition, they are also preservative free. Now, if you are planning to make some pickles at home, we suggest you keep this article handy. Here, we will tell you about some common mistakes that people make while making pickles. Avoiding these mistakes will not only make the process easier but will also help you make grandma-maa-style pickles without any struggle.

These 5 mistakes should be avoided while making pickles:

While cooking is an art, pickling There is some science to this. It is basically soaking food items in an acidic liquid to get a sour taste. The sourness in food is a result of the fermentation process – a chemical reaction between sugar present in the ingredients and natural bacteria. The art of making pickles is thousands of years old. Let us look at some common mistakes made while making pickles.

Read also: Watch: Padma Lakshmi shares her grandmother’s recipe for lemon pickle


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1. Choosing not fresh ingredients:

You can make pickles from different types of fruits and vegetables. Just make sure, they are clean and fresh. Using low quality ingredients can mainly affect the taste, texture and process of fermentation.

2. Using Too Much Sour Agent:

While adding vinegar or lemon juice is important while making pickle, you should also take care of the quantity. Using too much leavening agent can result in an unpleasant taste and make the pickle runny. Always remember, too much of anything is bad!

3. Not using enough oil:

Pickle is not the place to control the use of oil. in fact, it is very important to add sufficient amount of oil (especially mustard oil) in the recipe for the ingredients to marinate well. Also, adding less amount of oil makes the pickle unsuitable.

4. Not letting it set well:

As mentioned earlier, love and care are equally important in the process of pickling. People are often in a hurry, don’t let the pickle set or marinate properly. This not only spoils the taste but also reduces its shelf life.

5. Not using clean and dry utensils:

The container plays an equally important role in the process. Make sure you use a clean and disinfected jar to set the pickle. And of course, always pat dry before adding ingredients.

Memorize these tips and make the perfect pickle at home the very first time. Click here for some delicious homemade pickle recipes.

Happy pickling, everyone!