The demonstration continued for the 50th day in the meeting of President’s President Gotabaya

They stand solemnly when President Raje attends a meeting of members


Opposing opponent (protest) for membership of a member of Gotabaya Rajapaksa (Gotabaya Rajapaksa) in the Presidential (Sri Lanka). The government investigated security-middlemen and water security for rival quotars. The world economy is facing a crisis. The year

this also further

After being competent as such, they are drawn to the President as members. Units differ. Believe that Gotabaya’s elder Mahinda Rajapakse is giving his brother the Prime Minister’s post. He will continue to be the chairman even after being appointed.

In the event of a coronation, “in the event of an appearance before the President 14.” The news website is important for news channels in the news, directing and investigating for policing to titer-bitter near the Global Trade Center She goes.

For the news of the newspaper ‘Cokot’ recorded in the near future of Prime Minister Ranil Singhe for the plant of the aircraft fan on Flower Road. In between, the police had turned him on once he was turned on.

For the presence of the Widget of Raje to attend a meeting at the time of the meeting shall be followed by a meeting to be present on the clock. Chamira was said to be, ‘As a player who looks like ours will be as it will be, so will be the same books in which it was recorded. ”Even after being effectively enabled in 1948, it was free from crisis.

(news said)