The families of those who died from Corona in Maharashtra were women of sophistication

In Maharashtra, only 56 percent of the people above the age of 45 gather

After Kavita Kangne, “For a manthal media jurai after my husband left. Recently went home. The government can’t help anything. How do we go home? Bhagyashree studied after class 12 exams. But after the passing of her husband in the same year, she once again started studying so that she could take care of her children by doing a good job. After the death of her husband, her luck worsens. During a season like this when there can be 40 times bad for hurricane season in the same time, she will harass her husband as a pet.

Bhagyashree Pavivivir, “Remdesivir (Remdesivir) in a pinch. The problem happens all at once. Exactly like 40 was made. There’s something for me. Be sure to read. How do I update when I am fine?’ And the other lady destiny Bhagya Mr. Segte’s husband Aast and 4. But after his death due to Corona, there is no one to earn in the house. Bhagyashree is learning on her own, to run the household.

Niyati Mr. Segte, ””’ Paisa paisa ke paisa, updated in vov. Unmistakable facing. Bill bill, bill bill, bill bill in. Sorry school. How to do all this is the biggest question.

6 will be in a bad state in a bad state. It is necessary to improve the working conditions of the Court. Have more than one lakh powerful words in Maharashtra and implement them. The compensation report has been filed by the state government. The state government has soon arranged the compensation.

Balwao, TV- Luxury Le Jao: Mill to increase marriage offers

If a woman becomes pregnant in the state, it makes more than 70 pregnant women. Daily employment problems are excluded from the property. The system also improves.

Such meetings in the Corona era, to communicate to take care. Now after the reprimand from the court, there will be help in government work.

Emlad’s Jumbo Center on May 9, able to train mummies
