The Global Firepower Index describes India as poor. But there are no medals for good performance

IIn an era of civil strife, conflict, territorial expansion and threats to resort to arms, any global data on perceived worldwide conventional military capabilities is bound to attract attention. And this is exactly what’s been released recently Global Firepower Index Achieved – instant stardom, tremendous curiosity, but forgotten as another internet stunt. Except that it may be much more than a simple stunt. Global Firepower Index Website It has all the hallmarks of continued research, though with a significant nod to military psychological operations. The index aims to analyze and grade the conventional military capabilities of 145 countries.

This makes grading countries a very interesting exercise, given that the stated goal is only to look at conventional military capabilities. Nuclear weapons are not part of this capability chart because they are not just a purely military arsenal, but are highly political. So Global Firepower has rightly sidelined him, because if the calculations were to be done, Pakistan would surely have reached an even higher grade. The cicadas of the Cold War, seeing an opportunity with the worldwide saber rumble, can rest assured that their plutonium fantasies are not part of this capability chart.

denial of key technologies

Therefore, the denial of use of nuclear weapons capabilities is stated very early in the data explanation in preparing this chart. However, it’s the inhibition of two other aspects of the technology that really grabs attention. While one is hidden within the text of each nation’s description, the other is the worldwide contagion described at the end of the text. Website Its authenticity is announced, so to speak, when it ends with “No AI was used in the generation of this content”; The site is 100% curated by humans. Curious explanation at the end of a strange exercise.

Which brings into picture an even more significant and already involved military forum’s disapproval and denial – 145 countries have no data on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capabilities. So when the ‘researchers’ of this website prepared the grading chart, the existence, integration and combat deployment of drones were not part of the calculation. This is much more than mere curiosity, as drones have attracted far more attention from armchair analysts than from the ever-favorite special forces. The owners announced on the website that the UAVs were not considered due to discrepancies in the data, as WDMMA does not track them.

It is not an abbreviation of Championship Wrestling; stands for World Directory of Modern Military Aircraft sister website The focus of the Global Firepower Index is on military aircraft – including trainers, but not for combat. Here, detailed briefings of individual countries carefully chart the vast aircraft holdings. So, for the Indian aviation lovers, statistics There are a total of 2,210 military aircraft, of which 1,658 are estimated to be ready for deployment. Of which 577 are the combat model, but it is estimated that only 433 will be available for operation. Of which 130 are of the assault type, and 98 are considered to be deployable.

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still picture for india

So it’s not a happy picture despite the impressive Republic Day flypast and debut performance Bastille Day In Paris on 14 June, though in the French Rafale and not India’s Tejas. But this is only an estimate and it may not be completely true. Also, it may be closer to the actual picture. However, it is an interesting indicator of the overall military capabilities of India, which has been ranked fourth worldwide, according to the global firepower chart, over the past few years. This is not surprising, considering that the leading three places in the chart are the United States, Russia and China.

Which is a subtle answer to India’s growing military might and continued political arrogance over its global standing. According to publicly available information heavily relied upon by the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) World Factbook, the Global Firepower Index Voice India remains almost where it was a decade ago. Even taking this grading with a pinch of salt, and taking into account ‘humanitarian’ priorities, it is worth considering one essential fact about national military capabilities: buying or political appearances into pieces of the overall picture. cannot be made from; It is entirely dependent on an honest analysis of long-term threats and missing pieces.

There is an interesting rider in the subtext of the website, which will warm the hearts of those hurt by the static picture of India. and owner of the Global Firepower Index announced That the material presented on this website is for historical and entertainment value only. So this could be taken as a lark, especially since the series’ publicist also claims it has ‘entertainment value’. But in the brutal world of military conflict, there are no medals for good performance, just survival with success, or perish with punishment for shoddy preparation. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has exposed this simple military principle.

Manvendra Singh is a Congress leader, Editor-in-Chief of Defense & Security Alert and Chairman of Sainik Welfare Advisory Committee, Rajasthan. He tweeted @manvendrajasol. Thoughts are personal.

(Edited by Zoya Bhatti)