The man bandaged the crane, asking the crowd “Aren’t you entertained?”

The man continued to walk closer to the shore, threatening to jump several times


A man climbed atop a construction crane on Monday near Washington Square Park in the US capital city and posed naked as a huge crowd gathered around the park’s premises.

According to the New York Post, the unidentified man even shouted at the audience, “Aren’t you entertained?”

“are you not entertained?” There’s an iconic line from Russell Crowe from the 2000 movie “Gladiator.”

The man was already shirtless when he climbed onto the condor crane next to the arch. He stood on top of her platform and removed his trunk, shouting and threatening to jump.

The New York Post later reported that the naked man was brought down to safety and arrested at the scene, but not before hundreds of people gathered to watch the riots. He constantly moved closer to the edge of the stage, threatening to jump several times.

When police and firefighters reached the spot, the onlookers asked him to move away from the shore.

If he jumped or fell, first responders inflated a large airbag to keep him from falling. Later, they managed to persuade the crane operator to lower the condor so that they could safely hold and stop him.

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