The man dedicated a 72 kg chocolate statue to the Chief Minister of Odisha on his birthday. see photos

On the occasion of 75th birthday of Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, wishes poured in from across the country on Saturday. However, one of his fans made a 72 kg chocolate idol on a special day. Pastry Chef Rakesh Kumar Sahu of Begunia, Khordha created a stunning chocolate sculpture on Patnaik’s 75th birthday.

Sahu, 32, who runs an institute of baking and pastry art on Tanka Pani Road in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, took 15 days to complete the sculpture with the help of six of his students.

Sahu made with a chocolate statue of Patnaik olympic logo And a hockey stick and a ball. Baker said that he had come up with the idea to build the statue as a tribute to Patnaik for his support to Indian hockey over the years.

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Pastry chef and chocolate tycoon Rakesh Kumar Sahu created an extraordinary 72 kg chocolate statue of CM Naveen Patnaik

Sahu told news agency ANI, “I was celebrating the bronze medal win just like the rest of the country when I felt that I should do something special for my chief minister, who stands like a rock for the national hockey teams. are.” .

State Sports Minister TK Behera unveiled a 72 kg chocolate statue at the Kalinga Hockey Stadium in Bhubaneswar. Sports Department has decided to distribute Chocolate among underprivileged children in the surrounding areas.

Pastry chef and chocolate tycoon Rakesh Kumar Sahu created an extraordinary 72 kg chocolate sculpture

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Pastry chef and chocolate tycoon Rakesh Kumar Sahu created an extraordinary 72 kg chocolate sculpture

The Government of Odisha is the sponsor of India’s national hockey teams.

Odisha Chief Minister did not celebrate his birthday yesterday due to the COVID-19 situation in the state. Patnaik did not want to celebrate his birthday as the people of the state are going through a very difficult situation due to the pandemic. This was the fourth consecutive year that Patnaik missed his birthday celebrations. He did not allow any celebrations on his birth anniversary last year due to the pandemic. The Biju Janata Dal (BJD) had decided not to celebrate the occasion due to Cyclone Fani in 2019 and Cyclone Titli in 2018.

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