The man of Bhavnagar collects every day to donate to the families of martyrs. Rajkot News – Times of India

Rajkot: You don’t need to keep money in your pocket if you want to donate it for any good cause. 81 year old man Bhavnagar Every day one goes to different offices and shops to collect just 1 or 2 rupees. His aim is to donate this amount to the families of the martyrs of the country.
meet Rasik Mehta Who was born in 1941 before independence, who has great respect for the armed forces. His financial condition does not allow him to donate from his own pocket to the families of martyrs, but that does not mean that he will not donate. He goes to various commercial buildings and shops in Bhavnagar, chants shlokas and requests them to donate something to his dish. He does not feel bad for anyone who does not donate and blesses those who do charity.
He collects this money and donates 50 to 90 rupees per month to a trust Shahid Sainik Family Sahai Trust. One of the trustees of this trust Ashish Trivedi told TOI that “We started this trust in 2017 and since 2019 this uncle Mehta regularly visits our trust and donates his collection. Now, many chartered accountants, doctors, shopkeepers know him and donate to his dish whenever he visits. He also added that “Uncle’s amount is not big but the effort to collect this donation is huge.” The trust established in 2017 and till now has deposited about Rs 3 crore in the account of martyr families.

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