The parents who passed the exam gave the goods in the iPhone 12, the happy daughter did that, seeing the tears will come out

iPhone 12 gifted by parents who passed the exam

A video of daughter’s happiness after getting a gift from her parents is going viral. In the clip shared on Instagram by the girl’s mother, it is shown that they are giving her 12 gifts. Your heart will be filled with happiness on the girl’s face after receiving the gift.

this also further

Video shared by RJ Mahek. , As if to move forward, it is written that the girl has come first in the 12th examination. NEET exam also passed and anything like this in 18 years. To age Yash, the parents used his mother’s old mobile phone according to his new age.

Watch the video:

Written in code. I decided to surprise my daughter on her 18th birthday. He never asked for anything from us. Whenever we ask what God needs and He says, ‘I have a lot’, ‘I have everything’.

The video has so far garnered around 9 lakh likes and rumours. People blitzed all their love on the video and congratulated the girl for her achievements.

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