The party is left with MNS to rule over MNS.

In the event of coming to the meeting to come to the meeting to visit.


Being socially active was brought up in such a situation for her safety. In Mumbai there was a meeting with a state in Guddu’s situation.

this also further

Branch president Majid Shrek told Marathi channel on Tuesday that Dev is giving at the time of joining the army in Maharashtra Navnirvachan (MNS). They were, were, were, were, were, were, were, were, were, were, were, were, were, were

Meanwhile, state minister Nitin Ruaiya gave his color to ‘Chameleon’ from the program of such an event at an event. Herter, State Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil has changed the form of the mutation to a different form.

In the event of coming to the meeting to come to the meeting to visit. It is true that it is wrong to do so.

Patil said, “Everyone is fit for their religion. But the kind of statement being made today to create division among communities, the police department officials will definitely think about the issue. ,

This did not happen in Shirur, Pune. Patil publishes any type of newspaper and also publishes whether the house news editor has a staff.

Also further:
Union Minister Nitin Gadkari at Raj Baje To Stay Healthy Forever To Be Healthy
‘Speech of official language’ by BJP: According to MNS report on being affected after implementation
In the event of conviction for unsolving, below-roka…

M Lloyd Speaker’s Ascension to Lloyd Speaker’s Ascension

(Line for the headline, this kind of team said the team, it’s Cindy said Dr.