The question came in the exam – threw light on the revolution of 1857, the student spread the light of photography, seeing the answer sheet, you will be in awe

The question came in the exam – threw light on the revolution of 1857, the student spread his light

Internet is that world, where no one has any idea of ​​when, what will go viral. Shocking videos and pictures keep going viral on social media every day. Apart from this, the answer sheets of old bills and surprising answers of students also become very viral on social media. One such answer sheet is now going viral on social media. In which the student gave such an answer which you cannot even imagine.

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The question has been asked in the viral answer sheet, in which it has been written that the revolution of 1857 (Revolt of 1857) has been highlighted. Which means you must have also understood. That the revolution of 1857 has been told here. What, how and why had happened in that revolution. But a student gave such an answer to this question, which you can never think of. Or simply say that it will be beyond your imagination. The way the students wrote something in response to the question, the answer sheets were cut out on the answer sheets and the rays of light gathered in the stack from it. And wrote below… published.

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Now this answer sheet is becoming very viral on social media and people are not able to control their laughter after seeing it. This picture has been shared on Instagram from a page named Funny Video. This post has got about 90 thousand likes so far. People are making funny comments on the post. One user wrote – It is wrong why the teacher did not give him the number. The other person wrote – It is true that he has done what he said.

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