“The Quran Says…”: Karnataka Right Wing Leader Accused of Hate Speech

Keshav Murthy, state coordinator of the Hindu Jagran Vedic, delivers a speech in Kolar, Karnataka.


Police in Karnataka’s Kolar have registered a case against Keshav Murthy, state convener of Hindu Jagran Vedike, and others for allegedly making derogatory statements against the Quran and Muslims.

The complaint was lodged by Jamir Ahmed, president of Anjuman-e-Islamia organization.

In a speech on July 1 – when some Hindu activists were protesting the murder of tailor Kanhaiya Lal in Udaipur, Rajasthan – Keshav Murthy said, “The Quran says kill people. So, you don’t think those who read the Quran Will the people follow it? Those who read the Quran are terrorists.”

Last month, tailor Kanhaiya Lal was murdered by two men after he posted on social media his support for suspended BJP leader Nupur Sharma, who had made against Prophet Mohammad and Islam.

A case has been registered against Keshav Murthy under sections 153A (promoting enmity between groups), 153B (provocation with intent to cause riot) and 295A (outraging religious feelings) of the Indian Penal Code.