The strange trend of cooking pasta without boiling has confused the eaters

Cooking involves many different processes and techniques. Chopping, slicing, sautéing, mixing and boiling are some of the commonly used cooking methods. Boiling is one of the most basic and simple steps especially in cooking. Whether we boil potatoes or rice, pasta or corn – there are many ingredients that need to be boiled in hot water and cooked. To make the process of cooking pasta easier, bloggers have come up with a new trend – skipping the boiling process altogether. Believe it or not, the video shows pasta being cooked directly in milk or cream. to keep track:

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The post was originally shared by Twitter user @whitest_injera, where it has gone viral and garnered over 35k likes. “The trend where people make pasta without boil This and throwing it in the oven with milk and cheese will be our end,” he wrote in his post. In the comments, several people shared videos of pasta being cooked directly by mixing it with milk or cream. It’s bizarre though the technique turned pasta. It was unclear whether the pasta was cooked properly.

abundance home cook And cooks weigh in on this new trend of no-cook pasta. He shared his reactions in the comments section of the viral tweet. “I really don’t know why this is a trend,” wrote one user, while another added, “These guys ain’t gonna make it for a lifetime, boiling water ain’t that hard!” Another user also said, “Really like, pasta is the easiest thing the CookAnd they can’t even do that?” “It should be considered a crime,” added another.

Take a look at the reactions to the post:

would you try this weird new trend Don’t want to boil pasta immediately? Tell us what you think in the comments.