The three latter were going to be Tavadu’s D friend Surendra Singh, the latter had a dispute with his brother

Tawadu Deputy Superintendent of Police Surendra Singh resigned in Nuh.


Surendra Singh, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) of Tawadu in Haryana (Haryana), shortened his resignation letter. The same was done even after this incident.

this also further

DY’s younger brother Ashok Kumar Bishnoi said there is a family related to the incident. Once officers were appointed to the post in Kurukshetra, they were appointed to the post of officers. Bishnoi spoke to his elder brother on telephone in the morning and said that he would come soon. Bishnoi said that the brother’s family consists of a wife, a daughter and one. Their daughters are officers in a bank and are appearing for their examinations.

The last rites of D Surendra Singh will be held at Sherangpur to be the last place in Hisar. In case of damage, it should not be repaired after checking. Taw’s de gunda Surendra Singh worked as a driver to a driver-truck, to stop a driver-truck for the document.

To be safe, to be safe, to be safe, to be safe, to be safe, to be safe, to be safe, to protect Surendra Singh. The police closed after closure when necessary.

Also further:

Woman Draupadi feels like Harsha Kumari, president of Murmu shivering

(news said)