The woman fed the cat on the plane, refused to stop when asked

A woman was allegedly caught feeding her cat in the middle of the flight. (representative image)

A woman was reportedly seen breastfeeding her pet cat on a plane in front of frightened staff and co-passengers. According to New York Post, The unidentified woman was on a Delta Airlines flight from Syracuse, New York, to Atlanta, Georgia, when she began to breastfeed her cat.

An image circulating on social media purportedly showed a message that flight staff were sent to the ground using the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System. The message stated that “a passenger seat 13A is ‘lactating a cat’ and will not place the cat back in the carrier at the request of a flight attendant.”

The message further requested that the situation be addressed by the airline’s “Red Coat” team upon landing. Delta’s Red Coat team is their “elite airport customer service specialists” who are “specially trained to handle customer issues on-the-stop.”

Flight attendant Ainsley Elizabeth also spoke about the bizarre incident in a TikTok video shared on November 13, newsweek informed of.

“This woman had one of them, like, hairless cats wrapped in a blanket so it looked like a baby,” Ainsley Elizabeth said in her video. “Her shirt was up and she was latching on to the cat And she wouldn’t put the cat back in the carrier. And the cat was screaming for her life.”

She said that “safety met the flight” and asked her to stop.

More details about the incident were posted on Twitter by an aviation enthusiast, who spoke to a co-traveller who witnessed the incident. According to them, the woman kept on trying to breastfeed her cat despite the cabin crew asking her to stop.

Delta Airlines has yet to comment on the incident.

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