These 5 Herbal Teas Can Help You Fight Various Health Problems

When the temperature drops down, we all crave for something warm and soothing to combat the chilly winds. In such situations, a hot cup of tea often comes to our rescue. The aroma of freshly brewed tea leaves with cardamom and ginger tempts us to drink the hot beverage immediately. While plain milk tea made at home is always a favourite, there is no harm in exploring some other varieties of tea. Herbal tea has been touted as a healthier version of tea that has many benefits.

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Herbal teas come in different varieties, each with a distinct flavor. The medicinal properties in these teas can help you fight many common health problems and improve your overall health. But if you are confused about which herbal tea to choose, nutritionist Lavneet Batra, in an Instagram post, recommended five herbal teas that you can try depending on the health issue you are facing.

5 herbal teas for overall health:

1. Chamomile Tea for Better Sleep

Infused with fragrant chamomile flowers, this herbal tea can help you fall asleep faster and have a sound sleep. According to nutritionists, chamomile contains an antioxidant called apigenin that binds together to certain receptors in your brain and makes you feel relaxed and calm. This in turn helps in getting sound sleep and fighting insomnia. Nutritionists suggest having tea at bedtime. Chamomile tea can be prepared by adding a few chamomile flowers to hot water. Leave it for 2-3 minutes and then filter it.

2. Ginger tea for nausea

If you are feeling nauseous, drink ginger tea and let it do its work. Ginger tea contains a specific compound called 6-gingerol, which helps relieve the uncomfortable feeling of nausea. The compound is also effective in relaxing the gastrointestinal muscles and reducing motion sickness during pregnancy. According to nutritionists, ginger tea should be consumed in the morning. To make a cup of ginger tea, boil 1/2 inch of ginger root and water together for a few minutes, then strain and drink.

3. Lemon Grass and Ginger Tea for Blood Glucose Control

Lemongrass has been found to be effective for anti-hyperglycemic treatment. It inhibits alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase, which help manage blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, ginger shows antidiabetic activity through inhibition of alpha-glucosidase. The beta sesquiphlandrine present in it helps in increasing insulin sensitivity. Lemongrass and ginger tea should be drunk early in the morning. Take a few stalks of lemongrass and a medium sized piece of ginger. Boil them in water for about 10 minutes. Then pour the tea in a cup and sip it.

4. Hibiscus tea for menstrual pain

Hibiscus tea has analgesic properties that help relax the muscles around the uterus. It provides relief from painful period cramps. Drinking tea can also regulate the hormone aldosterone produced in your adrenal glands. The hormone is responsible for controlling the level of salt and water in the body. Hibiscus tea also acts as a diuretic and reduces bloating. Seven days before the start of the menstrual cycle, you can have a cup of hibiscus tea. Make this herbal tea by putting some hibiscus flowers in a teapot and pour boiling hot water over them. Let the tea sit for about 5 minutes, allowing it to sweeten, and enjoy.

5. Tulsi tea for better immune system

Tulsi tea has medicinal properties that can help control asthma and bronchitis. It has anti-allergic action in the body and can enhance immunity. Basil tea contributes to the preservation of bone marrow, which produces oxygen-carrying red blood cells and white blood cells that are responsible for immunity. You can enjoy a cup of Tulsi tea at any time of the day. To make it, just put 5-10 basil leaves in a cup of water and let it boil for some time. Allow the flavor to infuse the tea and then enjoy after straining.

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