These 6 foods are rich for children, if fed daily then they will remain perfect

Healthy Foods For Kids: These foods keep the health of children good.

special things

  • These foods are good for children.
  • Health is good on food.
  • The mind also becomes sharp.

healthy foods: Kids can choose almost any food item. Someone keeps separate from the sandwich, while someone’s struggle is engaged in sorting spinach and fenugreek from the vegetable. In such a situation, children do not get proper nutrients rich in nutrients and their health starts deteriorating. Here is a list of some such foods which must be included in the children’s diet. These foods help in the physical and mental development of children.

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Most of the children do not eat food by eating eggs (eggs) and it also proves to be good for their health. Children get vitamin D, vitamin B12 and iron from eggs. Many eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which also improve their brain health.


Sweet potato

Potato fridges are very good for children but it does not prove to be good for their health. Due to this, instead of potatoes, children who are playful can be fed. Sweet potatoes can be used in place of potatoes with many ads. Sufficient and good amounts of vitamin A, fiber and potassium are found in these.


Cow’s milk proves to be very beneficial for children. It is rich in calcium and plays an important role in bone health. Soya mill is good for vegan children, from which vitamin D is also obtained.



Strawberries, blueberries and prunes are rich in antioxidants. Children also get a good amount of fiber and vitamin C by eating them daily. Vitamin C understands the immunity (immunity) of children.


whole grains

Apart from bread, whole grains can be given to children in many ways. Whole grains are good sources of fiber and aid digestion. Feed children with whole grains, oats or bread etc. If the child stays away from white flour from the beginning, then he does not even develop the habit of eating white flour.


Which fruit would be better than apple to keep the eclipse away? A medium-sized apple a day provides children with vitamin C, fiber and special chemicals that attract growth and development.

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Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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