These Unusual Jobs May Soon Be Quite Common

Last Update: January 26, 2023, 17:51 IST

Hackers may work for administrations and companies to help protect themselves from cyberattacks. (Credits: Reuters)

According to technology giants, we’ll soon be spending a major portion of our time in the metaverse. This virtual universe will allow us to access a great range of services, especially in the health sector.

Isabelle Ruhn and Clara-Donna Schmelk claim in their book “Les métiers du futur” (future professions) that 85% of the professions expected to be in vogue in 2030 do not yet exist. But some ‘jobs of the future’ are already here. We take a look at a selection of them.

remote working specialist

Employers these days who do not allow employees, especially office workers, to work remotely are rare. That said, they often struggle to find the right balance between occasional use of remote work, “full remote” (100% teleworking) or even allowing teleworking from overseas. Some companies choose to call on experts in the field to help them retain employees. Looking for flexibility. According to Bloomberg, some companies are seeking expert advice from professors who have written dissertations or books on the subject. It will surely be some time before such experts are called upon, but there is no doubt that remote work is here to stay.

doctor in the metaverse

According to technology giants, we’ll soon be spending a major portion of our time in the metaverse. This virtual universe will allow us to access a great range of services, especially in the health sector. Psychologists and psychoanalysts are looking forward to this not-so-distant future by using virtual reality as a non-medical solution, among other elements in their array of therapeutic approaches. Some believe that these new techniques may also have beneficial therapeutic effects for patients, both children and adults. Will cyber therapy soon be a reality?

ethical Hacker

Companies, communities, hospitals… no one is safe from the potential attack of cyber criminals targeting computer systems. But hackers are not necessarily working illegally. Some hackers may work for government agencies and businesses to help protect them from cyberattacks. And for good reason; According to a 2020 projection by Cybersecurity Ventures, cybercrime is expected to cost the world US$10.5 trillion annually by 2025. It is in the best interests of business leaders to surround themselves with IT experts who can protect their critical data and find vulnerabilities in their security systems. Who better than a hacker to do this?


Dissatisfied or in search of meaning, a growing number of employees are distancing themselves from their company. While some HR departments are taking action to combat professional disengagement, there are also specialists who are positioning themselves in this promising market segment – by helping employees quit their jobs. With this in mind, American Danielle Baskin launched The Derecruiter in 2017. This platform allows anyone with doubts about their professional fulfillment to speak for free with “Drecruiters”. And a new form of coaching has been born.

disclosure specialist

An increasing number of executives looking to convert their experience into expertise are turning to the coaching environment. Some people who have turned to coaching now specialize in the power of “manifestation,” a personal development method that combines spirituality and positive psychology. They teach their clients to “manifest” their dreams and desires. If this method is not based on scientific research in any way, it is very popular on social networks. A phenomenon that prompts some consultants to explore this opportunity.

baby name consultant

Choosing the right name for a newborn isn’t always easy. Should you be original or stick to the good old classics? Some parents choose to call on counselors to help them with their search. These consultants suggest different names according to various factors, such as the lifestyle of the parents, their origins or the places where they live. While this new form of coaching may seem surprising, it may be one of growth given the lucrative market for all things child related.

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(This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed)