Thinking of avoiding oil altogether? Read to know the result

We have often seen that people suffering from heart disease or blood pressure completely avoid ghee or healthy oils like mustard oil or olive oil in their daily diet. Moreover, even fitness enthusiasts or people aiming to lose a few kilos think that not adding oil at all can help them reach their goal quicker than usual.

However, Dr Ashok Seth, President, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi, in an interview with HT Digital said something different. He added that avoiding fat can actually make people tired and unhealthy.

“Fat is needed by our body. Our brain, our neuron system, our nerves, the conduction system, they all work on fat. The best form of diet is a balanced diet. Only trans fats should be avoided which are on constant fire. found in street food cooked in the U.S.,” Dr Seth told HT Digital.

He cautioned against consuming packaged items like cakes, cookies, etc., which contain high amounts of trans fats.

According to reports, Dr. Seth recommends consuming 2-3 teaspoons of ghee or a good oil like mustard or olive oil daily. “Mustard oil is a tremendous oil and it can be consumed by the common man or anyone across the country. A couple of tablespoons of ghee is better than other oils containing vegetable and trans fats,” Dr Seth said.

While he advises his patients to eat only homemade food cooked in the right oil, he does not accept a diet that does not contain oil.

“I ask my patients to eat home cooked food cooked in the right oil. They can have puri but it should be made at home. One should not prepare one’s own food without oil and eat what other family members are eating. What happens when you are eating food without salt or oil, you start losing weight, feel tired and start feeling unwell, because you are missing out on one of the most important nutrients for the body? Which is fat,” said Dr. Seth.

Speaking about fad diets that put unwanted and unnecessary stress on the body, Dr. Seth said, “The human body is not made for fad diets. They put stress on the human body for a temporary period and hence cannot be maintained for long. They will just help you lose weight but it is not sustainable and it is not good for the body in the long run.”

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