This chronic disease can be caused by not sleeping for so many hours

A sound and peaceful sleep is essential for a healthy lifestyle. In today’s fast paced life our sleep cycle is often compromised. Lack of sleep drains a person’s mental abilities and can lead to serious health problems. World Sleep Day is celebrated every year to raise awareness about sleep. It is celebrated on the Friday before the spring equinox of each year. This year, it is being celebrated on March 17, 2023.

how many hours of sleep is necessary daily

Dr. Gajinder Kumar Goyal, Director, Cardiology, Marengo Asia Hospital, Faridabad said that 6 to 8 hours of sleep is very important to keep us healthy and fresh.

Lack of sleep has many adverse effects

Lack of sleep can have many adverse effects on the body such as fatigue, lack of concentration, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, overweight due to unhealthy diet, dyslipidemia and uncontrolled sugar levels. Dr. Gajinder Kumar said that all these adverse effects can increase the incidence of heart attack, stroke and heart failure.

Lack of sleep can affect our heart in many ways

This can lead to high blood pressure which itself is known to be a heart condition and a risk factor for heart attack. It can increase the risk of cholesterol deposition in the arteries and cause blockage in the coronary arteries which maximizes the risk of heart attack and higher incidence of heart failure. Such patients are more likely to develop heart failure by about 20-30%. Lack of sleep can also lead to obesity and high cholesterol levels which can lead to heart problems. Blood pressure is high during night time, and we call it nocturnal hypertension, which can also lead to a high incidence of heart attacks.

“Due to lack of sleep, there is a higher incidence of stroke, stroke and diabetes. In all these ways, lack of sleep can lead to a higher incidence of heart disease,” said Gajinder Kumar

World Sleep Day Theme for 2023

theme for this year sleepy day ‘Sleep is essential for health’.

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