‘This job, man’: BBC correspondent admits connection broke, gaffe caught on live TV

Live TV is a path of caution as what you do is broadcast in real time to the screens of people sitting at home. Adding yet another hilarious entity to the many live failures on television, a BBC reporter who thought he had lost his connection to the newsroom was caught venting his frustration over troubled connection issues. .

BBC correspondent Dan Johnson was reporting on the situation in Afghanistan from his hotel room in Delhi. When he finished reading his report, the anchor posed a question for Dan, who could not reach him. He thought the newsroom had broken up, to which Dan angrily said, “This job guy, this job.”

The anchor along with the entire audience witnessed this amusing moment. The anchor apologized, saying, “I guess Dan didn’t hear my question. I think he lost the line. I don’t think he was upset; sorry for that.”

Dan himself tweeted the video of the news report from his blooper. Sharing the video, he said, ‘A good reminder. Always assume you are live on air.” Then he explains how the situation turned out. “Power cut broke the line from London. I thought I would be taken off the air, but waited after I finished my answer Did. I thought I waited long enough. Apparently not.”

Dan somehow managed to shoot the video as he balanced the phone on a pile of cushions. Finishing the caption, he said, “A job that has many challenges but always a privilege.”

The video was viewed by more than one lakh people. Responding to the video, BBC Radio 4 presenter Sangeeta Myska said, “Your words speak twice for many reporters in the end!” Shiv Ramdas, a popular storyteller and podcaster, commended Dan for not moving his head an inch “to keep the reflection off the camera.”

Many people related and echoed Dan’s sentiments. “Frankly, that’s what I grumble to myself every day,” said Mayney Jones, the BBC’s correspondent for Nigeria.

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