This Kerala-style Narang Pickle is ideal to pair with everyday meals

Mention South Indian food and the first thing that comes to mind is sambar, dosa and idli. While the region is certainly famous for its robust curries, specialty breads and decadent sweets, it also offers a wide variety of pickles (pickles). Be it the classic Avakaya of Andhra Pradesh, Thokku Be it from Tamil Nadu or appemidi from Karnataka, these delicious pickles can instantly elevate the flavor of any dish to several levels. Adding to the list, here we bring you a Kerala style Naranga Pickle recipe, which is ideal to pair with everyday meals.

Read also: 7 Lip-Smacking South Indian Pickles You Need To Try

Narang Pickle A traditional lemon pickle recipe from the state of Kerala, The lemons are fried in sesame oil and then coated with a tempering of flavourful spices and herbs. This pickle is also an integral part of the Sadya food during Onam celebrations. It is spicy, tangy and tastes delicious when eaten with food. It is rich in Vitamin C and if eaten in moderation, it is extremely beneficial for our health. Without further ado, let’s have a look at the recipe.

Kerala-Style Pickle Recipe: How To Make Kerala-Style Naranga Pickle

First of all, heat oil in a pan on low flame. Add the lemons and mix them well in the oil (make sure the lemons are washed well). Fry them for about 2-3 minutes while stirring occasionally. Once done, switch off the gas and take out the lemons in a plate.

When they cool down completely, cut them into small pieces and remove all the seeds. Now, add turmeric and salt and mix well with a spoon or your hands. For the tempering, heat oil in the same pan, add mustard seeds and fenugreek seeds and let them splutter.

Add curry leaves, chopped green chillies, ginger and garlic and sauté for a few seconds till the raw smell of ginger-garlic goes away. Add red chili powder and asafoetida and fry the spices well. Finally add lemon and white vinegar. Mix everything together and turn off the flame. When completely cool, pour into an air-tight container and keep at room temperature for up to 2 days.

For the complete recipe for Kerala-style naranga pickle, Click here.

Make this delicious pickle at home and let us know how you liked it in the comments below. If you are looking for more pickle recipes, click here for some of our best recipes.

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