This Lip-Smacking Barbecue Chicken Wing Recipe is Indulgence Overload

There is no denying that any chicken dish is enough to make foodie lovers swoon! It is one of the most filling foods on the planet. You can deep fry, bake, grill them or even turn them into snacks, curries and gravies – you can tweak a chicken recipe any way you want. Whatever recipe you choose, you can rest assured that the food will always please you. Talking about the various chicken recipes, one recipe that has undoubtedly risen to popularity is that of Barbecue Chicken Wings! You can find them in almost any restaurant or cafe. They have a smoky and savory taste that leaves us satisfied basically. So, if you also like to indulge in its taste, then here we bring you the recipe for making barbecue chicken wings at home!

(Also read: About Bhuna Chicken Wings Recipe: Make These Tantric Chicken Wings With a Desi Twist,

In this recipe we will first prepare the crispy chicken and then make the barbecue sauce. This recipe is perfect for a midnight snack or when your guests are visiting. You can easily adjust the spice level in this recipe and make it as per your liking. Once it’s cooked, pair it with a mildly flavored dip for maximum indulgence. Read the recipe below:

Barbecue Chicken Wings Recipe: Here’s How To Make Barbecue Chicken Wings

In a small bowl, mix lemon juice with olive oil. Place chicken joints in roasting tin along with onion and salt and pepper. Brush chicken pieces with oil and lemon juice dressing. Cover the top of the roasting tin with cling film and let it cool in the fridge. Then, when you’re ready to cook the chicken, preheat the oven and roast the chicken until cooked through.

Meanwhile, mix ingredients for sauce. In a jug, whisk together tomato puree, ground ginger powder, mustard powder, cloves and red wine. When the chicken is cooked, remove the roasting tin from the oven and pour the sauce over it. Return the chicken to the oven and cook for about 25 minutes. Serve the chicken with a little chutney.

For the full recipe for Barbecue Chicken Wings, Click here.

Make this delicious dish, and let us know how you liked it!
