This Roger Federer story will melt your heart

For the past few days, the tennis world is in a state of mourning after knowing that Roger Federer is retiring, For fans, the nearly two-decade run has been surreal, fueled by the fact that the Roger Federer man appears to be as amazing as Roger Federer’s magician on the court.

Federer had to use a popular term from Indian Internet culture – pawam, While the word has no English translation, some people think it should mean naive, but the closest would be healthy. Federer stays healthy all the time.

Forget the sound of a scandal, it’s hard to miss a moment in his playing career when he wasn’t a perfect gentleman. Former American tennis player James Blake recalled how he broke his neck in training in 2004 and then returned, reaching the final at Indian Wells, where he, like most tennis players of his generation, lost in straight sets to Federer.

However, Blake had something else on his mind. As he recalled: “I think everyone has realized what a great tennis player he is, but I want to tell a quick story. About a few years ago, I was injured in a hospital in Rome. This is a time when everyone is focusing on their tennis and pay as they can and I found a note in that hospital room, and it was from Roger Federer, the world’s No. 1 player, wishing me all the best. “

Suman Ghosh, film director and economics professor at Florida Atlantic University, has a similar heartwarming story about the genius of the earth.

Ghosh, who won the National Award for Best Feature Film in Bengali for Podockhep in 2008, recalled how he had met Federer four years ago.

Ghosh wrote on his Facebook page, ‘It was about 4 years ago. I went to a restaurant in Miami for lunch with my family. There was a wait of about half an hour and we were delighted to see the potter in his beautiful courtyard when suddenly I saw a great man talking to a journalist for an interview. I could not believe that Federer was in front of us. I decided that I would wait for the interview to end and then take a picture of my daughters Maya and Leela (then 5 and 3 years old) with them.”

What happened after that was even more funny. Their daughters were too busy playing sports that could not be stopped, even for Roger Federer.

He continued: “Maya was indifferent to stop her game with Leila and take a picture with a stranger. Federer, noticing the awkwardness of the moment, came up to her, sat down on her level and asked – would you mind If I want to take a photo with you? Maya looked at her and said- no…Immediately started playing again.”

While Ghosh was extremely embarrassed, Federer said that he absolutely “loved it”.

However the story had a happy ending because Federer, unlike Maya, was very inclined to take the picture.

All of these stories echo what Blake tweeted after Federer’s retirement: “I have told this many times as one of the many examples that the bar is too high for an iconic athlete to be an iconic human being.” was set high. It is almost impossible to cross the bar that you have set@Roger Federer Thanks to a new standard.”

It’s unlikely the game will see someone like him again.

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