Those who killed Gandhi are trying to destroy secularism: Pinarayi Vijayan

CM stresses on need to protect constitutional values ​​of social justice and equality

CM stresses on need to protect constitutional values ​​of social justice and equality

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on August 15 said the followers of those who assassinated Gandhi were now trying to destroy the constitutional values ​​of secularism, social justice, equality and fraternity.

He recalled that the British imperialists were the first to use communalism to divide the people of India, as it could destroy their unity in the freedom struggle.

“The reason for the communalism that killed Gandhi was the ideals of Hindu-Muslim unity and tolerance which he held firmly. Our freedom struggle brought people from all walks of life together. The British imperialists promoted communalism to break this unity.

“Our Constitution never specified faith as the basis of citizenship. But now India is being transformed in such a way that religion is being made the basis of citizenship. Those in power, who are upholding secularism, are doing this. Those who spread hatred and call for riots are getting protection. All these examples have brought disrepute to India at the global level. It is important that our country remains secular to maintain its diplomatic strength as well as protect our citizens working abroad,” Mr Vijayan said.

He was speaking at a conference to protect constitutional values ​​organized by Navodaya Sanrakshan Samiti (Renaissance Protection Committee) as part of the 75th anniversary celebrations of the country’s independence.

‘The Equality Movement Must Continue’

Shri Vijayan elaborated on the various aspects of the freedom movements. He fought against feudal forces as well as various social reform movements, including Channar rebellion, consecration of idols of Sree Narayana Guru, Ayyankali’s movement. Villuvandi SamarmiHe said the protest against temple entry, the Malabar rebellion, the Punnapara-Vayalar rebellion, the Kayyur, Karivelur and Kavumbai rebellions were all part of the freedom struggle.

However, the present central government is trying to remove some of these from the historical record. He said that the cultural and political movement must continue to achieve justice and equality.

Shri Vijayan said that the Renaissance movement was a part of the freedom movement in different parts of the country. In Kerala, these movements continued, leading to the creation of a society that was different from the rest of the country. Along with the Left movement, other progressive organizations also played an important role in this. He said that the Renaissance movement was revived in recent times when attempts were made to destroy these achievements.

“Our constitution is different from other constitutions around the world because of its basic character of social reform. This was the reason for several laws to protect minorities and marginalized people, including reservations for communities oppressed over generations. Constitution To protect also means to protect social justice. We have to take a pledge that we will stand united to protect the values ​​enshrined in the Constitution,” said Mr. Vijayan.