Time to ring the bell as classroom doors reopen

Learning recovery and safety must be top priority as schools reopen across India

The sight of children going to school evokes normalcy and hope. Our children’s lives are centered around schools and the learning, routine and fun that comes with it.

But for nearly a year and a half since the novel coronavirus pandemic in 2020, schools have had to close their doors, and turn to distance learning. Children could not visit their friends, or eat hot school meals. Some had mental problems. Many people faced violence. Millions of children miss out on important developmental milestones.

What started as a health crisis quickly turned into a child rights crisis. Learning loss was a major consequence of the pandemic.

gaps in online learning

Even though remote, online learning is the only way to connect students with teachers. This is a yellow option for in-person learning. Many children have been thrown out of online classes due to the digital divide. There is also a serious concern over the learning outcome for children who can join.

Eight out of 10 parents of students aged five to 13 are of the opinion that their children were learning far less or significantly less than at school. More than nine out of every 10 children in grades 2 to 6 have lost at least one specific language ability over the past year.

Across India, states have begun reopening schools as COVID-19 cases plateau. Large numbers have now been vaccinated, and this continues to grow. The government’s priority for teachers to vaccinate is very reassuring.

back to school

However, the decision to reopen schools is fraught with emotions, apprehensions and heated debates. The questions being raised by parents need to be addressed. Schools should and should implement all safety protocols.

An online survey conducted by UNICEF reached out to nearly 11,000 respondents (parents, teachers and students). Overall, all 6,157 responding parents felt that vaccination was the most important safety measure for children to return to school. While parents (55%) said they were not yet willing to send their child to school, parents (60%) did not believe their child’s school and staff were ready to reopen safely. are ready for

Of the 4,451 teachers who responded to the survey; 65% said they have been provided with support and guidance to work safely in schools as they reopen. While 93 per cent said that school staff should be fully vaccinated before classes resume. Of the 366 student respondents, 71% were excited to go back to school.

Schools can focus on bringing back younger children first, as primary and pre-primary-school age children are the least likely to be infected. Children are mostly asymptomatic and are less likely to spread the virus than adults.

We have evidence to show that schools are not the main driver of community transmission and that children are more likely to get the virus outside of a school setting. In fact, the closure of schools for more than a year did not prevent a raging second wave of the pandemic. With stringent measures, schools can become a safer environment for children than other places.

Teachers have shown remarkable courage and commitment across India. They stepped in to support online and offline learning in high-tech, low-tech and no-tech settings. and used many other platforms to learn and even met door-to-door with students.

Learning now and solutions

The novel coronavirus pandemic has led to a blended teaching-learning approach combining online and offline lessons. Teachers can assess the progress level of students in distance learning and plan lessons based on these levels. Parents, teachers, students and school management need to work together to find solutions. Positive examples have been reported from various states such as classes in the open air under trees.

editorial | Safe at school: on getting students back on campus

Despite doubts, there is no better option than to safely reopen schools. The longer children are out of school, the more difficult it will be for them to return and learn. The social and economic cost of out-of-school children has become enormous.

Here’s an example of one student’s reaction: “When schools were closed, it didn’t feel right, I got bored and missed my friends. Now schools are open, we are meeting again everyday, playing with friends. We show others how to follow COVID appropriate practices inside and outside of school. We request our teachers and friends to always wear masks. And that’s how we keep everyone safe.”

Anshu Kumari, a Class VIII student of Jai Mangal School in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, said that many children are finding rhythm and normalcy in attending schools.

In India, equality should guide how children return to school, and continue to learn and grow.

Yasmin Ali Haque is the representative of UNICEF in India


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