Time Traveler from 2671 predicts paranormal events for 2023; know the dates

Last Update: March 11, 2023, 19:06 IST

Eno has shared a list of his predictions which many people are taking seriously.

Eno claims that aliens will visit Earth in 2023 and the world will also discover another planet.

Science has made a lot of progress and scientists keep trying to make time capsules, but there is no exact invention yet in terms of time traveling. But many people often come forward claiming that they have come back from the future. The prediction of one such person is currently trending on social media. This man named Eno Alaric claims that he has returned from the year 2671.

According to reports, Eno calls himself a time traveller. He has predicted that 2023 will witness many strange events. Eno, who goes by the name @theradianttimetraveller on social media, provided information about the future to people online. His prediction has been viewed more than 26 thousand times so far. Eno has shared a list of his predictions which many people are taking seriously.

Eno shared that in the year 2023, aliens will come to Earth. The world will discover another planet that is similar to Earth. Some of Eno’s most prominent predictions are:

March 23: Eight thousand people will be chosen by the aliens to save the earth

May 15: A 750-foot-tall tsunami hits San Francisco. More than two lakh people will die

June 18: Seven people will fall from the sky together

August 18: Scientists will find a cure for skin cancer

December 3: A crystal will be found that will cure many diseases

December 29: Development of new organs will start through stem cells

Just some time ago a social media user had claimed that something extraordinary would happen in the year 2023 which no one could have predicted. They believe that human skeletons will be discovered on Mars by the end of this year. A mysterious person claiming to be the future on social media for many years has made a startling prediction for the current year.

According to the Daily Star, this man calls himself a time traveler and claims to have traveled till the year 2858. The latest video of this person has gone viral. Significantly, this person keeps posting such videos on Tiktok under the name Darkness Time Travel.

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