Tips and tricks on how to get the best fuel efficiency out of cars.

Petrol prices are skyrocketing, forcing most car buyers to reconsider their decision to buy a car. If you are someone who is in a dilemma of driving your car without burning a hole in your pocket, we have put together a list of tips and tricks to get the best out of your car.

Petrol and diesel prices are at an all-time high and are increasing with each passing day. This has become a matter of concern for all as the rise in fuel prices directly affects the prices of other commodities. But, for car owners, it’s a different ball-game altogether. As a result, many car owners want to either travel via public transport or switch to alternative fuel vehicles. This may work in favor of the environment and those who can afford to switch to other modes of transport. But, what happens when you have no option but to drive your petrol or diesel car daily despite skyrocketing fuel prices. Well, don’t worry, because we have come up with a slew of tips and tricks to help you get the best fuel efficiency out of your car.

Get rid of extra baggage/weight:

The extra load at the rear reduces your car’s fuel efficiency by at least 2%. If you want to get better mileage from your car then remove unnecessary items from your car trunk. Also note that the smaller the car, the more affected the fuel efficiency with any extra accessories.


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Timely Service and Maintenance:

This is a no brainer. Timely service and maintenance not only increase the longevity of your car but also improve the mileage. The better the health of your car, the less fuel it will need for normal functioning. Get your car checked regularly and replace parts as and when required. Also, get regular oil changes and services done, preferably from a service center.

Reduce the use of air conditioning:

Using air-conditioning can affect fuel savings, especially when driving on roads with heavy traffic. Certainly, air-conditioning is more of a necessity in tropical countries like India, where the temperature rises during the summer. But, being careful while using an air conditioning system goes a long way as it can reduce fuel savings by up to 30%. It may not be a comfortable drive, but if mileage is your priority, try and minimize AC use wherever possible.


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Shift gears efficiently:

It is recommended to use the correct gear and maintain it with judicious use of the throttle. Keeping the engine in its sweet spot is an art and will require practice. But it is definitely beneficial as it provides a rhythm to your driving while also returning the maximum kilometer per liter of fuel.

Avoid Instant Acceleration:

Over speeding, braking and over speeding is a waste of fuel. Depending on the type of vehicle, poor driving habits can negatively affect fuel savings of between 15% and 30%. In fact, use the throttle as little as possible. The engine uses the largest amount of fuel to overcome inertia and accelerate from idle. To reduce this, accelerate in a smooth and steady manner, and push the pedal as lightly as you can. The speed isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s important to build the motion smoothly.

Maintain desired speed:

Tire rolling resistance and air resistance result in rapid fuel consumption increases and reduced fuel savings. The best way to get the best mileage is to maintain a constant speed that is neither too high nor too low. Each car has a different optimum speed for optimum mileage.


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Avoid excessive lethargy:

Most modern cars come with engines that use the technology to a great extent and don’t cause any problems with frequent restarts. Use it because excessive idling not only wastes fuel but also pollutes the environment. Nowadays, most traffic lights display the number of seconds remaining before the signal turns green. If you are going to wait a long time, turn off the engine.

Check tire pressure:

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Vehicle owners tend to underestimate the importance of tires and their role in achieving good fuel economy. Tires are the only contact patch between the vehicle and the road. Most of the engine power is used to get the tires rolling because they create rolling resistance. Lower tire pressure increases resistance, causing the engine to do more work, which in turn increases its fuel use. Therefore, it is important to keep the tires inflated at or above the recommended air pressure. Check tire pressure once a week and before going on a long drive. The correct vehicle tire pressure information is usually written on the driver’s side door. Balance and align the wheels at the recommended intervals.

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