Tips to increase metabolism in women after 40

When you turn 40, your metabolism may start to slow. Metabolism is the many chemical reactions that keep your body healthy and functional. However, when the term is used in casual speech, it usually refers to the process through which your body converts food into energy.

If you’re over 40 and still eat the same amount of food as you did in your 20s, it may not surprise you. A person’s metabolism typically slows by 5% every ten years after age 25.

Your body turns the food and liquid you consume into energy through a process known as metabolism. This process combines the oxygen and calories in food and beverages to release the energy your body needs to function. Your metabolic rate affects how quickly you burn calories, which affects both how quickly you lose weight and how easily you gain it.

Dr. Sijit Sridhar, Chief Medical Officer, Prakriti Shakti, Naturopathy shares how women can boost their metabolism after 40.

With age, all body functions slow down. The following five aspects can be followed to improve metabolism:

Physical activity: Include yoga, weight training, being active throughout the day, any type of sport, walking, jogging or swimming four to five days a week.

Consuming at least 30 to 40 grams of dietary fiber, fermentable-enriched food (pro, prebiotics) every day.

Drinking two to three liters of water and herbal tea (including herbs and spices).

Make sure to get seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.

Expose yourself to the five elements of nature (Sunlight, Earth, Water, Space, Air)

What lifestyle changes can a woman make to lose weight?

Staying active, in the form of any physical activity, can also be a simple step.

Intermittent fasting or fasting once a week with longer rest periods

Taking fiber rich diet.

Practice eating mindfully.

– Set a regular sleep schedule, if the sleep cycle is varied, especially in women, it affects the hormonal regulation activity in the body which can lead to increased body weight.

– Drinking Water. Try mouthful drinking, where you leave the water in your mouth for about 30 seconds.

Make a habit of prioritizing yourself.

Since bone density starts decreasing in women after a certain age, how to cope with it and avoid its consequences

The main reason for the decrease in bone density is the deficiency of Ca+2 and Vitamin D in the body. Since most of the women do not expose their body to direct sunlight, Vitamin D in the body becomes less which results in Ca+2 deficiency as well. The following will help.

Sun exposure for vitamin D along with intake of good fats (avocados, nuts, coconut butter, ghee), vitamin-C, vitamin K, and magnesium-rich foods (more vegetables, and fruits for its vitamins and minerals) Live. ,

Including calcium-rich foods throughout the day (1000 to 1200 mg per day).

physical activity that includes stretching and strengthening

As heart problems are on the rise in women, what are some tips to maintain a healthy heart as per naturopathy?

adequate sleep, in quality and quantity

Follow a regular sleeping pattern (7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep) daily.

There should be a gap of at least two hours between dinner and sleep.

Avoid exposure to blue and bright light, instead prefer dim light with low luminance of yellow, red and orange colors.

Avoid electronic gadgets, strong beverages, heavy physical activity and late night eating before bedtime.

Do not indulge in stressful thoughts or plan for the next day before bedtime.

try to remember the happiest moment of the day

Take a warm bath or a hot foot bath before going to bed.

“Early birds and late night owls” – Make sure there is a 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. sleep window.

Once you get out of bed, expose yourself to natural light.

After noon a nap can be taken for 15-20 minutes.

Manage weight and stress in the form of physical activity and healthy eating

physical activity:

It is more important to be active continuously than to be active intensively.

Do what you love to do – choose activities based on your individual needs and preferences and don’t follow the crowd.

Try to incorporate different types of exercise like walking, swimming, climbing, cycling, sports activity etc.

Nutritious food:

Eat fresh rainbow colored raw food

Include seasonal fruits and vegetables

Include 50 percent raw food daily

Once a week – take completely raw, with thick smoothies, gazpacho, soups (thick and thin), juices, intermittent fasting and fasting.

what to avoid

Processed – when ingredients such as oil, sugar and salt are added to food and packaged (such as plain bread, cheese, tofu, canned tuna)

Refined – food that has been processed or changed in some way (white bread, rice, noodles, cakes, flavored yogurt)

Grilled – A form of cooking in which dry heat is applied to the surface of the food, usually on the top, bottom or sides.

Fried – food cooked in a pan that contains hot fat or oil.

Food additives – substances added to food to maintain or enhance taste, appearance, or other sensory properties.

Food Preservatives – prevent the growth of micro-organisms such as yeast, and slow down the oxidation of fats that cause rancidity (refrigerated, frozen, canned, dried food).

Junk food – rich in calories from sugar, fat, and sodium with little or no dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals (cakes, biscuits, hot chips, burgers, pizza, sugary drinks, sweetened caffeinated beverages. alcoholic beverages, gluten-) food etc).

Refined oils – soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, groundnut oil, palm oil, rice bran oil

Salty, sweet food, dairy food products.

intake of saturated fat and animal protein