To produce five-year dose of COVID-19 vaccine from 2022: India Modi

Girl girl talked about the internet. (photo photo)


Prime Minister Narendra Modi (Prime Minister Narendra Modi) said at the G20 Summit (2021 G20 Rome Summit) in Rope on November that India will prepare five billion doses of Kovid-19 vaccine (Covid-19 vaccine) by the end of the year. Is for. It is with India fighting against COVID-19 (COVID-19). . Is.

this also further

The insect has advised the Global Health Organization (noun) to establish a new new India in India. There needs to be a risk-benefit engagement in order to have a risk-benefit engagement. Modern technology is being prepared to develop.

Connect with India to get in touch for communication network and communication communication. During the micropurple meeting in Shringla Nema, after the G20 meeting systematically arranged in ‘global’ as well as I GLOBAL Healthy profession.

(news said)


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