To protect the communications officer:

A case of spoilage came to the fore in case of spoilage.


The Air Defense Team and Sanchar Ryat claimed on Thursday that Rashmi Shuk, the central officer, would defend. The psychic called in Mumbai said the unusual would be unusual.

this also further

A case of spoilage came to the fore in case of spoilage. Rawayat said that this is everything.

“We were contacted to get information about the government, it was investigated.”

Ryatt renamed the former chief shaksh of the state (in the ad position) as “an executive officer, the expected position of the way he works, that party and its germs.” Now the central government has always been like this. it is.”

The investigation of the senior officer has started. After he was upgraded in the database he lived in the database and dialed the former youth born Eknath Khadse (in Abarapa).

The test was done in the checked condition. From 2016 to November 2018 till the police officer is cured. Wrong said wrong is going wrong. hostility in itself.

Also further:
‘Delhi city to take better rest to stay healthy’:
Non-yagya CMs’ meeting to discuss diplomatic situation: Sanjay Rait
“B Tak Ki Go Ram Bhi…” Attack on BJP on Khargone Violence

Mid-Shiv Sena tussle continues in Maharashtra, Kirit Somaya’s team announced

(news said)