To protect yourself and others, follow SOP if not vaccinated: Doctor

People who are critically ill or otherwise vulnerable, without vaccination, must adhere to COVID-19 appropriate criteria

Universal vaccination does not mean “all” as there are some critically ill people, including cancer patients, or organ transplant recipients, who are advised to stay away from COVID-19 vaccination. They are advised to consult doctors so that they can be vaccinated at the earliest, and to ensure that they follow all COVID-19 safety norms to protect themselves and others from infection.

In addition, “individuals with a severe allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine should avoid it,” said Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj, Director, Nurture IVF Clinic. He said the number of patients with severe allergies and serious health conditions may not be huge, but they should act on medical advice and strictly follow preventive measures.

Dr. Akshay Budhraja, Pulmonologist, Aakash Healthcare said that people who have any active infection related to lung, gastrointestinal and urinary tract, typhoid, dengue etc. should avoid COVID-19 vaccination, or consult their doctor before taking it. should be consulted.

“First treat the active infection and then get vaccinated at least two weeks after recovering from that infection. Also, if a person has had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose of the same vaccine, they should avoid vaccination or consult their doctor. If someone has suffered severe allergies, your doctor may prescribe anti-allergic drugs before and after the dose of the COVID-19 vaccine,” he explained.

On the visit, he said, “If you have an active illness or are ill, even if you have the common cold, the only option is to stay at home. Until you recover and are declared fit by your doctor, Avoid traveling till then.”

Dr. Budhraja said the risk of transmission is higher among non-vaccinated people. “You have to follow social distancing and wear a mask. There is no other way,” he said.

A senior health ministry official said the medical travel requirements of COVID-19 patients seeking treatment are decided on a case-by-case basis.

Effectiveness and safety are the two main components of effective vaccination, and each approved vaccine has its own levels of efficacy and safety, said Vikas Kothawade, consultant, radiation oncology, Jupiter Hospital, Pune. He said cancer patients on chemotherapy are advised to get vaccinated if they have normal white blood cells and are in good general health.

“Cancer patients on radiation therapy or hormonal therapy may take vaccination upon treatment. Patients who have had a bone marrow transplant are advised to avoid vaccination for at least three months. Also, patients who have low platelet counts They should act on medical advice for vaccination, such as if they have a blood disorder, or if they are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) or immunosuppressant medications. People with serious illnesses should not make decisions on their own. They will have to consult their doctors for appropriate action on vaccination,” explained Dr. Kothawade.

Read also: ‘Give priority to vaccination of cancer patients’

Dr Col Vijay Dutta, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Indian Spinal Injury Centre, said that no underlying medical condition or comorbidity is a contraindication for COVID-19 vaccination except in the age group below 18 years.

Public health expert and director Sameer Bhati said that vaccination centers have safety protocols in place to provide quick resolution of any adverse reaction, but senior citizens, people with serious illnesses or who have had surgery are not allowed to be vaccinated for 30 minutes after the vaccination. to be seen. Star Imaging Path Labs.

Mubashir Ali, Senior Internal Medicine Consultant, Apollo Telehealth told that everyone should follow all necessary precautions to avoid infection. He said that social distancing, personal and hand hygiene, avoiding closed or less ventilated places, avoiding crowded places, wearing masks in all public places are all essential tools against the virus.


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