Toyota needs to make 1 million cars in March to reach annual target

Toyota is trying to ramp up production in the last months of the business year due to a previously reduced production due to a shortage of components from plants in Southeast Asia, affected by the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

Toyota Motor Corp. to build 700,000 vehicles globally in February, a 10% increase this year
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Toyota Motor Corp. to build 700,000 vehicles globally in February, a 10% increase this year

Nikkei Business Daily said Toyota Motor Corp. would build 700,000 vehicles globally in February, up 10% over the year, but that a million more would still need to be made to reach the annual production target of 90 million in March. .

Asked about the Nikkei report or whether the Japanese automaker plans to stick to that production target for the year ending March 31, a Toyota spokesperson declined to comment. Gave.

The world’s biggest carmaker is trying to ramp up production in the last months of the business year due to a shortage of components from plants in Southeast Asia, hit by the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.

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Toyota and other carmakers have been forced to curtail production, even as demand in key markets such as China has improved.

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