Traffic police crack down on school vehicles; 708 cases booked

In a special drive launched across the city on Thursday, the traffic police registered 708 cases against vehicles carrying schoolchildren beyond the prescribed limit and those violating Supreme Court guidelines for ferrying children.

The Bengaluru City Traffic Police held a series of meetings with school managements and parents to create awareness about the Supreme Court guidelines.

These meetings were held in the jurisdiction of all 48 traffic police stations in the first week of December.

The traffic police launched the special drive to penalise violators. The drive will continue to ensure that the guidelines are followed stringently, said M.N. Anucheth, Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic).

Meanwhile, private vehicles owners protested against the special drive and submitted a memorandum to the Transport Department.

“Many autorickshaws, omni vans that have been ferrying schoolchildren for years now have no permit from the Transport Department. While the Congress promised to get us permits before elections, they are now asking us to buy buses as per the Supreme Court guidelines, which we cannot afford,” said Satish Kumar, president of the School Vehicles Association.

Fact sheet
School vehicles checked: 1,400
Cases booked: 708
Buses: 247
Vans: 335
Others: 118