Treat burning sensation this monsoon with these home remedies

Last Update: 31 July 2022, 14:57 IST

Burning pain in the chest, just behind the chest bone, that occurs right after eating or may occur at night. (Representational image: Shutterstock)

Heartburn can be very frustrating but these tried and tested home remedies are absolutely the best, try them the next time you have symptoms of heartburn – you won’t regret it.

Welcome to the change from sweltering heat to putter putter raindrops. When it rains and our craving for fried snacks increases. Humid weather can slow down the digestive process- which can cause heartburn among other gastritis issues.

Heartburn is a painful condition when stomach acid leaks into the esophagus, also known as acid reflux, causing chest pain. It is considered a type of indigestion.

Heartburn can be triggered by fried and spicy foods, sour products, overeating, eating heavy meals, or alcoholic beverages.

Burning pain in the chest, just behind the chest bone, that occurs right after eating or may occur at night. This can be a pain that gets worse when lying down or bending over. A bitter or acidic taste in the back of your throat or in your mouth can also be a symptom of heartburn.

Here are some home remedies for your heartburn:

1. Older studies have shown that chewing gum can help with heartburn. When you chew gum, the production of saliva increases which clears the esophagus of acid.
2. Quit smoking as it reduces the production of saliva.
3. Elevating the head while sleeping may help people who experience acid reflux at night.
4. Ripe bananas rich in potassium can help combat acid and reduce discomfort.
5. Eating small and frequent meals will help the body to break down the food and digest it faster, which will help against heartburn
6. Lose weight as excessive abdominal fat can put pressure on your abdomen which can further prolong the lower esophageal sphincter.
7. Reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol increases the severity of acid reflux and heartburn. It increases stomach acid.
8. Reduce your intake of high-fat foods
High-fat foods can contribute to heartburn because they will slow down the digestion process.
9. Eat Dinner Early
Take dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime so that your body gets enough time to digest the food
10. Avoid Tight Clothing

Tight fitted undergarments, clothes, belts put a lot of pressure on the stomach and increase the irritation

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