Treatment of tanning of feet: By applying potato, macro and stretch properly, the complete tanning of the feet will clear in a day.

Foot Tanning Removal: The sun has turned the feet completely black, it changes the color.

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Remedy for tanning feet: The scorching heat has started chilling the people. Sun rays outside the house not only harm the health but also affect your skin. Direct sunlight on the skin leads to tanning, as well as premature skin pigmentation (pigmentation) and the risk of skin cancer. In such a situation, most of the people cure them by using various chemical products and face packs to remove tanning from their face, but among all these many times the feet are recognized. So today we will tell you how to get rid of the tanning on the connected marks in this news.

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Home Remedies To Remove Tanning From Legs (5 Home Remedies To Remove Tanning From Legs)

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Potatoes and Lemon Juice

While tata acts as an exfoliating agent, lemon removes blemishes and tan from the body. This combination will help restore the skin color together. Smear on the feet made of potato and paper ropes and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water. Use this pack at least twice a week.


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Orange, Cream of Milk and Sandalwood

Vitamin C present in orange detoxifies and brightens the skin while sandalwood complains to relieve sunburn. Along with this, it helps in making cream of milk. Prepare a paste of orange, sandalwood and milk cream and apply it on the affected area on your feet. Now leave this paper on the feet for at least half an hour and then wash it in cold water. This paste can be used twice a week.


Oats and Yogurt

Oats are excellent exfoliating agents as they get rid of dead skin cells, while curd exfoliates and makes the skin healthy. Make a paste of cabbage, lemon juice and curd flour and cool it on your feet. Scrub the paste gently for 10 to 15 minutes and wash off with old water. Tell your skin and repeat it once a week.


To remove tan and blackness of the skin, rub tomato on the tan of the legs. Tomato is known as a bulking agent. You can also make a tomato scrub by adding some sugar to tomato juice. Leave it on the skin openly and for a few hours, then wash it off with water.


Turmeric, Corn Flour and Honey

For instant tan removal, turmeric can be your favorite option and when we add wheat flour to it, it helps in dieting. To make this, in a bowl, make a paste by taking 1 tablespoon chickpea flour, 1 teaspoon turmeric and the same amount of honey. Wash it all over the feet and after 30 minutes wash it with cold water.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for appropriate medical opinion. Always consult your doctor or any specialist for more details. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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