Trump: Trump’s 8-hour hiatus: Minute-by-minute during January 6 riots – Times of India

Washington: Much is known about the few hours that shook American democracy. Incendiary speech by defeated president, angry mob marches to America capitalbreaking, police beating, “hanging” mike pence“Threats, the shooting of rioter Ashley Babitt, an MLA running for his life. All this chaos unfolded in about eight hours on one day: January 6, 2021.
But for all that is known about the day, tying together Donald’s words and actions trump This proved to be no easy task during that time, even though the president’s movements and communications are closely monitored.
According to two people familiar with the Congressional investigation into the riots, there is a difference in the official White House phone notation given to the House committee investigating from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on January 6. Details may still be current; The former president was known to use various cell phones and often bypassed the White House switchboard while making direct calls.
And over the past four-plus months, much has come to the fore about what Trump did and said on January 6th — in texts, tweets, videos, calls and other conversations.
The following account is based on testimony, timeline and eyewitness reporting collected by The Associated Press and The Washington Post and CBS News, and officials and people familiar with who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.
Your number 2. but sad
Trump entered the Oval Office at 11:08 a.m. By that time, nearly 400 pro-Trump protesters had already gathered at the Capitol. Trump calls Vice President Mike Pence – his only conversation of the day. It didn’t go well: Trump wanted Pence to withhold certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory, and he was deeply saddened that the vice president wouldn’t.
At 11:38 a.m., the president left the White House to address his rally on the Ellipse, a large grassy oval behind the White House, about a mile from the Capitol. It was freezing cold, but that didn’t keep the crowds away. Trump was on stage at 11:57 pm and addressed his supporters till around 1:15 pm
Among Trump’s challenging final words: “We fight. We fight like hell, and you’ll have no country if you don’t fight like hell. My fellow Americans, for our movement, for our children.” And our beloved country to us. So we’re going, we’re going down Pennsylvania Avenue. And we’re going to the Capitol.”
A growing crowd was fleeing to the Capitol. Almost immediately after Trump’s conclusion, a Capitol police officer called for backup.
“They are throwing metal poles at us,” said the officer in a panicked voice. “Many law-enforcement injuries.”
Will Trump himself head to the Capitol, as he suggested in his speech? It was unclear at first, but his convoy turned back towards the White House.
At 1:21 p.m., Trump met his valet at the White House, Log says. At the Capitol, meanwhile, then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund begged the National Guard for help as the crowd began to move to the west side of the building and became increasingly violent.
By then TV networks had scrambled and were broadcasting live as the crowd broke through metal police barricades and marched towards the door of the building where lawmakers had gathered to testify the results of the presidential election. Surreal images soon filled television screens throughout the West Wing, where the staff watched, stunned.
The US Capitol was locked down till 2 pm. Pence was pulled out at 2:11. At 2:15 pm, Congress leaders were evacuated. At 2:43 a.m., Babbitt, a protester, was shot while trying to enter the House Hall through a window smashed by the mob.
There is no official record of what Trump was doing during this time. It is unusual for such an official distinction to exist – a president’s every move and interaction is noticed, especially in the White House. The next entry in Trump’s daily diary isn’t until 4:03 p.m., when he went to the Rose Garden to tape a public address after a frantic solicitation.
But during this time Trump was hardly useless. He was in touch with MPs and according to aides, he was watching the violence on national television. And he was tweeting.
At 2:28 p.m., he tweeted, not about the violence, but on his vice president to vent his displeasure:
“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our country and our Constitution, giving the states a chance to certify the right set of facts, not the fraudulent or wrong ones that were first proven.” Was told to do. America demands the truth!”
At some point, Trump also spoke to lawmakers. Republican Kevin McCarthy told a California radio station that he had spoken to the president.
“I was the first to call him,” McCarthy said. “I told her to go on national TV, tell these people to stop it. She said she didn’t know what was going on.”
California Republican Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler said McCarthy relayed that conversation to him. By his own account, when McCarthy told Trump it was his own supporters breaking into the building, Trump replied: “Well, Kevin, I think these guys are more upset about the election than you are.”
Trump also spoke to Ohio Representatives Jim Jordan and Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, among other GOP lawmakers. Tuberville later said he spoke to the president while the Senate was being vacated. Utah Sen. Mike Lee said Trump accidentally called him when he was trying to get to Tuberville.
Others, including former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, tried but failed to reach the president.
‘It’s gone too far’
A tweet by Trump at 3:14 pm finally pointed towards the havoc. “I’m asking everyone in the US Capitol to be peaceful. No violence! Remember, we are a party of law and order – respect the law and our great men and women. Thank you!”
According to former colleagues, at some point, he isolated himself in the dining room of the Oval Office to watch the violence on TV, rewind and re-watch certain parts. Unable to go through other means, colleagues including his former chief of staff and communications director attempted to tweet at him. Chief of Staff Mark meadows There was a flurry of texts from lawmakers, from Fox News celebrities and even Trump’s own children.
“Hey, Mark, protesters are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows at doors. Running inside. Is Trump going to say anything,” reads one text.
“We are all helpless,” says another.
As the violence continued, the president’s eldest son wrote to Meadows:
“They have to condemn this s (asterisk) (asterisk) (asterisk),” Donald Trump, Jr. read.
Meadows replied: “I’m pushing it a lot. I agree.”
Trump, Jr. repeatedly texted, urged that his father act:
“We need an oval address. He has to lead now. It’s gone too far and out of hand.”
‘Remember this day forever!’
Trump left for Rose Garden at 4:08 pm. At 4:17 p.m. he released a scripted, pre-recorded video that included calls for “peace” and “law and order” and finally told his supporters “you have to go home now.”
But he didn’t. Things were still wildly out of control. In fact, the Capitol building was not safe until 5:34 p.m.
At 6:01, Trump’s message raged back: “These are the things and events that happen when a holy landslide election victory is so inadvertently and viciously snatched away from the great patriots who have been with the bad for so long.” And misbehaved,” he said. wrote. “Remember this day forever!”
At 6:27, he went back to the residence, and started calling his lawyers.
Congress did not resume counting of electoral votes until 8 p.m., ending at 3:40 a.m. and certified Biden as the winner.