Try ‘Neera’, the nectar of palm trees

As the sun started peeping through the clouds in the Kadthal mandal of Ranga Reddy district of Telangana, cricket birds reached their peak. Situated on the way to Srisailam Dam, the village of about 2,000 people has vast agricultural land set amidst beautiful cliffs. The village houses the Palm Products Research and Development Institute (PRDI), inside a tiny house, with a mission to promote products made from palm trees. Preparing to present PRDI now NeeraUnfermented nectar from palm trees. Neera It is sweet with a slight aroma of ripe palm fruit. Being a fermented fresh juice, Neera It is non-alcoholic and therefore suitable for consumption by everyone from young children to the elderly. Although, Neera Has a short shelf life (at 4 degrees, it can last up to five days). Once fermented, it can be sold as smashed Only by toddy tapper as it contains 4% alcohol as per excise rule of Telangana. PRDI will sell bottled non-fermented neera as tenira.

Bottled Neera | photo credit: special arrangement

Other functions of PRDI include research, development, implementation and popularization of various edible and non-edible products of palm trees so as to benefit rural employment generation.

The Telangana State Prohibition and Excise Department has passed a Neera policy through a GO to help toddy extractors make the most of their arduous and risky task of climbing trees to tap the sap of the palm. So to receive. wants to promote the policy Neera as a health drink and provide employment to the gaur community which has traditionally depended on exploitation for livelihood.

PRDI has invented a method to delay the fermentation of palm juice. To demonstrate the method, they take me to farms where pots made exclusively from food-grade plastics are hung from trees. V Vinod Gaur, Director General, PRDI says, “Before special utensils are hung on trees for nectar collection, they are readied with frozen ice gel packs and a nectar collection plastic bag (food grade). The gel packs keep Neera Chilled to stop fermentation. ,

In the field, 55-year-old Yadaiah climbs a tree and calls the people sitting on the ground to come out. NeeraA light brown clear liquid.

Once the packet is brought down, the liquid is poured into a cold vessel. Satyam V Director, PRDI explains, “Here, the first stage of filtering takes place. Neera Filtered through a sieve so that ants and dry leaves, if any, are thrown out. After that, it undergoes a pH test and then a crystallization test.”

custom made utensils

Specially Made Utensils | Photo Credit: Prabalika M Borah

For pH testing, a few drops of Neera The pH is dropped on a digital instrument called a meter. We are told that a reading less than 6 is basic and a reading greater than 7 is acidic. read this latest Neera The sample showed 6.9, indicating that it is neutral. is then passed Neera Through a Brix refractometer to view the sucrose content. Neera then poured into glasses for us; It is sweet and tastes like palm candy.

collected Neera Taken in containers that contain ice blocks or gel packs. PRDI in association with Government of Telangana provides all necessary equipment including Gel Packs, Collection Pots and Chilled Carrier Jars. Assistant Superintendent, Excise Hanumantha Rao says, “We want to promote this product as a health drink. We have all the necessary certification and test reports that show Neera’s Anti-oxidant and mineral properties.”

In PRDI, Neera One goes through a mechanical filtration method at 8 °C, and then it is passed to another chamber where it is kept at 4 °C. , from this point Neera Reaches the customer in a bottle, the drink has to be maintained at 4 degree centigrade.

“by position Neera As a non-alcoholic beverage in the market, we would like to show the strong presence of palm trees in our state. We can conserve and nurture palm trees only through active local participation,” explains Satyam.

Just after removing Neera from the vessel

Just after taking out Neera from the vessel. Photo Credit: Prabalika M Borah

how is Neera Moved from collection point? Excise superintendent Ravinder Rao says, “We are setting up a cold chain process to transport Neera, The method is similar to the method used to transport milk. we’re also coming together Neera Cafe on Necklace Road, Hyderabad Where packed Neera will be sold.”

PRDI is currently testing the ground and educating consumers about the differences between Neera And toddy. “We are selling drinks at Hitex’s food events, government functions and private catered events. The feedback is good, however, we need to explain to people the difference between Neera and toddy,” says Satyam.