Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan blasts ambassadors’ call for philanthropist’s release – Times of India

Istanbul: President of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan On the call of the philanthropist Osman pulled up the ambassadors of 10 countries including the United States, Germany and France kavalarelease, saying Turkey In comments reported on Thursday, he should not be hosting.
The foreign ministry summoned ambassadors on Tuesday as they called for an equitable and speedy solution to an “irresponsible” statement in Kavala’s case. He has been in prison since late 2017 without a conviction.
Kavala was acquitted last year of charges related to the 2013 nationwide protests, but this year the ruling was overturned and linked with charges in another case related to an attempted coup in 2016.
In a statement this week, the ambassadors called on Turkey to ensure Kavala’s early release.
“I told my foreign minister: We may not have the luxury of hosting this lot in our country. Is it for you to give such a lesson to Turkey? Who do you think you are?” erdogan told reporters on his plane returning from a trip to Africa.
He rejected any suggestion that the Turkish judiciary was not independent. “Our judiciary is one of the best examples of independence,” haberturk The news website reported him as saying.
Rights groups say Kavala’s case marks a crackdown on dissent under Erdogan.
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in late 2019 called for Kavala’s immediate release because of a lack of reasonable suspicion that he had committed a crime, ruling that his detention served to silence him.
The Council of Europe has said it will initiate infringement proceedings against Turkey if Kavala is not released. Turkey will be the second country against which infringement proceedings have been initiated.
The other parties to the ambassador’s statement were Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland and New Zealand.
The next hearing in the case against Kavala and others, who have denied all charges, will be on November 26.


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