Tutu: A giant has fallen: From spiritual leaders to extremist group, world mourns death of anti-apartheid icon Desmond Tutu – Times of India

New Delhi: Archbishop Emeritus Desmond passes away tutu Another chapter of mourning is “Our nation’s farewell to a generation of outstanding South Africans who have given us a free South Africa,” as President Cyril Ramaphosa paid tribute to the anti-apartheid icon, who turned 90 on Sunday. died in As news of the death of the former Archbishop of Cape Town spread, tributes poured in from around the world.
For former United States President Barack Obama, the country’s first black leader to reach the White House, Tutu was “a mentor, a friend and a moral compass” who could “find humanity in his opponents”.
“A universal spirit, Archbishop Tutu was involved in the struggle for liberation and justice in his own country, but also concerned with injustice everywhere,” the fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureate said in a statement.
Ennothet former US President Jimmy Carter said that his ministry has no better words than three… “love, freedom and compassion”.
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta Said Tutu’s departure is “a big blow” not only to South Africa but to the entire African continent.
“Archbishop Tutu inspired a generation of African leaders who embraced his non-violent approach to the liberation struggle,” he said.
“A giant has fallen,” Ugandan opposition leader Bobi Wines wrote on Twitter.
“We thank God for his life – a purposeful life, truly lived in the service of humanity. May his soul rest in peace. Condolences to all those around the world who were affected by his life and ministry.”

The Vatican said in a statement: Pope Francis was saddened and offered “heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones”.
“Conscious of his service to the gospel through the promotion of racial equality and reconciliation in his native South Africa, his sanctity appreciates the loving mercy of Almighty God to his soul.”
The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader in exile from Tibet, cherished the “friendship and spiritual bond” between them. “Archbishop Desmond Tutu was completely dedicated to serving his brothers and sisters for the greater common good. He was a true humanist and a committed supporter of human rights.”
My Robinson“We are all devastated”, said the president of The Elders, a group of global leaders working for peace and human rights, co-founded by Tutu. “He inspired me to become a ‘prisoner of hope’ in his unique phrase,” said Robinson, the former President of Ireland.
The Elders said in a statement that they had lost “a dear friend whose infectious laughter and mischievous humour” delighted and charmed them all.
of Britain Queen Elizabeth II On Sunday she said she was “deeply saddened” by the death of Desmond Tutu, calling her “a man who tirelessly supported human rights in South Africa and around the world”.
“I remember my meetings with him and his great warmth and humour,” he said in a statement, adding that his death “will be felt by the people of South Africa, and by the people of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and so many.” throughout the Commonwealth, where he was held in such high affection and esteem”.
Johnson tweeted, echoing sentiments, with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson saying he was “an important figure in the fight against apartheid and in the struggle to build a new South Africa – and was remembered for his spiritual leadership and indomitable good humour.” Will be remembered for.”
French President Emmanuel Macron said that Tutu “dedicated his life to the cause of human rights and equality between people”. “His struggle for the end of apartheid and reconciliation in South Africa will live on in our memory,” he tweeted in French.

The Archbishop of Cape Town Thabo Makgoba said that the life of Tutu, a “deeply spiritual person”, should be celebrated.
“He gave the wrong name wherever he saw it and by whomever it was done. He challenged systems that degrade humanity.”
The Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town Thabo Makgoba said his legacy is moral strength, moral courage and clarity. “He felt with people. In public and alone, he cried because he felt people’s pain. And he laughed – no, not only laughed, he jumped with joy – when he shared their happiness.”
Norway’s Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store paid tribute to a man who “showed the power of reconciliation and forgiveness”.
Highlighting Tutu’s Nobel Prize, he said: “Never received such a fitting peace prize.”
Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury said that the death of Archbishop Tutu “(always referred to as the Arch) is a news that we receive with profound sadness – but also with profound gratitude as we reflect on his life. reflect”. “… Ark’s love changed the lives of politicians and priests, residents of the settlement and world leaders. The world is different because of this man.”
The Nelson Mandela Foundation said the loss of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Ampilo Tutu is immeasurable. “He was larger than life, and his life has been a blessing to many in South Africa and around the world. His contribution to the struggle against injustice at the local and global level is part of his vision of creating a liberal future for human societies. It matches deeply.”
Tutu first met with another anti-apartheid leader, Nelson Mandela, in the 1950s, but did not see each other again for decades, however, the day the latter was released from prison in 1990, he served as the archbishop that night. stay at home
Dr Bernice King, the youngest daughter of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., said she was saddened to learn of the death of a “global saint, human rights leader and powerful pilgrim on earth”. “… a great, influential elder is now an eternal, witnessing ancestor. And we are better off because he was here.”
For Mohamed Shtayyeh, the prime minister of the Western-backed Palestinian Authority, Tutu’s death was “a loss to justice, truth and peace in the world.” “…he loved Palestine and Palestine loved him”.
Even the Palestinian Islamic extremist group HAMS said that their “people have lost a strong supporter of their march towards freedom and independence”. “Father Desmond Tutu spent his entire life fighting against racism and defending human rights”.
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Meanwhile, South Africans of all races stopped at Cape Town’s St George’s Cathedral on Sunday to pay tribute to Archbishop Tutu.
In the cathedral courtyard, the cathedral’s dean, Father Michael Weider, went up and down to answer phone calls and talk with activists shortly after Sunday morning’s mass gathering.
“She died a holy man,” he told AFP near a makeshift temple being prepared to release flowers to the public.
Despite the loss, he said, “it has brought some relief to the family as Father Desmond has been in great pain these past weeks”.
Among those honored was retired nurse Mariam Mokwadi, 67, who said the Nobel laureate “was a hero to us, he fought for us”. “We are free because of him. If it wasn’t for him, we might have been lost as a country. He was just good.”
Many passersby remembered Tutu not only for his role in the fight against apartheid, but also for how he held democratic government accountable, continually calling out corruption in the ruling African National Congress.
“I can’t think of anyone with that kind of moral compass” said Aki Khan, a 64-year-old sound engineer and apartheid struggle veteran who left in South Africa.
(with inputs from agencies)
