Twice-daily saline flushing of the nose may reduce COVID-19 severity: Study

Saline flushing of the nose has been a common practice in every household for centuries. Generation advises its young children to have a saline nasal flush at least once a day to keep dirt out of their nasal passages. However, a recent study published in the journal Ear, Nose and Throat also showed that if one does a saline flush at least twice a day, it will also reduce the severity of COVID-19. That’s correct! Your grandmother’s recommendation rings true even during a pandemic.

by giving Extra Hydration for Your SinusesIt serves them better,” said Amy Baxter from Augusta University in the US.

“If you have a contaminant, the more you get it out, the better you’ll be able to get rid of dirt, viruses, and anything else,” said study co-author Baxter.

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What is Nasal Saline Flushing?

starting twice daily flushing of the nasal cavity with a mild saline solution immediately after testing positive for COVID-19 may reduce hospitalizations A study claims that due to viral disease.

The technique involves mixing half a teaspoon of salt and baking soda in a cup of boiled water and then pouring it into a sinus rinse bottle, making it a safe, effective and inexpensive method that could have a significant impact on public health.

method of study

Participants 55 and older were enrolled within 24 hours of a positive COVID-19 test between September 24 and December 21 in 2020. In 826 screenings, 79 participants were enrolled and randomly assigned to add either 2.5 mL povidone-iodine 10% or 2.5 mL sodium bicarbonate. 240 mL isotonic nasal irrigation twice daily for 14 days.

Of the 79 subjects aged 55 and older, fewer than 1.3% who experienced hospitalizations, and none died, the researchers said.

Of the participants who were treated and followed for 28 days, one participant was hospitalized and the other went to the emergency room, but was not admitted, he said.

How does saline flushing of the nose reduce the severity of COVID-19?

SARS-CoV-2 Virus The ACE2 is known to bind to the receptor, which is widespread throughout the body and is abundant in places such as the nasal cavity, mouth, and lungs.

Drugs that interfere with the virus’s ability to bind to ACE2 have been pursued, and Baxter said that nasal irrigation with saline helps reduce the general strong attachment.

The saline appears to impair the ability of the virus to essentially cut itself in two, a process called furin cleavage, so it may fit better once it is spotted in an ACE2 receptor. Is.

Participants self-administered nasal irrigation using either the antiseptic povidone-iodine, or baking soda, mixed with water that contained the same amount of salt normally found in the body.

While the researchers found that the additives didn’t really add any value, previous research indicated that they could help, for example, by making it more difficult for the virus to bind to the ACE2 receptor.

study result

Twenty-three of the 29 participants who irrigated twice in a row had zero or one symptoms at the end of two weeks, compared to 14 of the 33 who were less diligent, the researchers said.

Sixty-two of the participants completed a daily survey, reporting 1.8 irrigations per day; 11 reported irrigation related complaints and four discontinued use.

Other studies have shown that nasal irrigation, also known as lavage, may also be effective in reducing the duration and severity of infection by a family of viruses that includes coronaviruses, as well as influenza viruses, researchers said. Told.


SARS-CoV-2+ participants who started nasal irrigation were 8 times less likely to be hospitalized compared to the national rate.

He noted that those who completed nasal irrigation twice a day reported a quicker resolution of symptoms, even if they were adding two common antiseptics to the salt water.

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