UK faces calls for ‘Plan B’ with virus cases rising higher – Times of India

People traveling in a Tube Underground train carriage wear face masks in London (AP file photo)

LONDON: Life has returned to normal for millions of people in Britain since the summer coronavirus restrictions were lifted. But while the rules have disappeared, the virus has not.
Many scientists are now calling on the government to reimpose social restrictions and accelerate booster vaccinations as the coronavirus infection rate, already among the highest in Europe, continues to rise further.
Britain on Monday reported 49,156 new COVID-19 cases, the largest number since mid-July. There were an average of 43,000 new infections a day compared to the previous week, a 15% increase from the week before.
Last week, the Office for National Statistics estimated that one in 60 people in England had the virus, one of the highest levels seen in Britain during the pandemic.
In July, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government lifted all legal restrictions imposed more than a year ago to slow the spread of the virus, including wearing face coverings and social distancing rules indoors. Nightclubs and other crowded places were allowed to open at full capacity, and people were no longer advised to work from home.
Some modelers feared a large increase in cases after the opening. That didn’t happen, but infections remained high, and have recently begun to rise—particularly in children, who largely live without vaccinations.
Critics of the government say hospitalizations and deaths are also rising, averaging more than 100 days—far fewer populations were vaccinated than when cases were so high, but still very high.
Some say it is too early for Britons to return to pre-pandemic behaviour. Masks and social distancing have disappeared in most settings in England, including schools, although Scotland and other parts of the UK are slightly more strict. Even in stores, where masks are recommended, and on the London transit network, where they are mandatory, it is difficult to comply.
A plan to require proof of vaccination to attend nightclubs, concerts and other mass events in England was abandoned by the Conservative government amid opposition from MPs, although Scotland launched a Vaccine Pass program this month .
Some scientists say that a big factor is a decrease in immunity. The UK immunization program began rapidly in December 2020 with shots given to the elderly and vulnerable, and about 80% of eligible people have received two doses. Early onset means that millions of people have been vaccinated for more than six months, and studies have suggested that the safety of vaccines gradually diminishes over time.
Booster shots are being given to millions of people in the UK, but critics say the program is progressing too slowly. More than half have not yet received a booster dose.
Britain also waited longer than the US and many European countries to vaccinate children aged 12-15, and in England only 14% of people in that age group have received a shot since they last Months are eligible.
“It is important that we accelerate the booster program,” said epidemiologist Neil Ferguson, a member of the government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.
Ferguson said one factor influencing the UK’s high case numbers was that it relied heavily on the AstraZeneca vaccine, “and, while it protects very well against the very serious consequences of COVID, it is highly vulnerable to infection and transmission.” Against Pfizer defends slightly less well, especially in the face of the Delta version.”
He also noted that “most Western European countries have put in place more control measures, vaccine mandates, mask-wearing mandates, and have low case numbers and certainly not case numbers that are rising as fast as we’ve found.” ” ‘
“But in the end it is a policy decision for the government,” he told the BBC.
A report by lawmakers released last week concluded that the British government waited too long to impose a lockdown in the early days of the pandemic, giving the disease a chance to stop and causing thousands of unnecessary deaths. Critics say he is repeating that mistake.
Last month, the prime minister said the country may need to move to a “Plan B” – restarting measures such as bringing in mandatory masks and vaccine passes – if cases soar in the fall and winter that the health system`s Under ‘unstressed’ stress.
For now, the government says it will not change the curriculum but will try to boost vaccination rates, with a new advertising campaign and an increased number of sites outside schools where children can get their shots.
“We always knew the next few months would be challenging,” Johnson’s spokesman Max Blaine said. But he said the government was trying to protect “both lives and livelihoods”.
“Obviously we are keeping a very close watch on rising case rates,” Blaine said. “The most important message booster program is of vital importance to the public to understand.”



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