UK government on verge of collapse after cabinet ministers Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid step down – Times of India

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson was accompanied by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, (right), and Sajid Javid, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. (File photo: AP)

London: British Prime Minister Boris johnsonThe government was on the verge of collapse on Tuesday night after the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance Minister) Rishi sunkiWho is the son-in-law of Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy and the health minister of Pakistani origin Sajid Javido Resigned from the government within half an hour of a second, in what appears to be a coordinated attempt by the cabinet under his leadership to show no confidence.
Both outgoing cabinet ministers published defamatory resignation letters for questioning on Twitter boris Johnson’s integrity and ability. Further resignations are expected, with many speculating that it will now be impossible for Johnson to serve as PM.
Javid had earlier tendered his resignation, minutes after Johnson apologized for appointing MP Chris Pincher to a government role in a BBC interview, despite being briefed two and a half years ago that had complained against him. He had previously denied that he was aware of any allegations against Pincher. Pincher was suspended last week as a Conservative MP for sexual misconduct.
Conservative Party vice-president Bim Afolami resigned live on television on Tuesday night, saying he could no longer work under the PM.
Andrew Bridgne, one of the MPs who said he had declared no confidence in Johnson in last month’s trust vote, told TOI: “The cabinet has finally come to the conclusion that many Tory MPs came months ago. The entire cabinet is resigning and the government has fallen. The minister is fed up with being asked to defend him on national TV. It’s about Chris Pincher, Partygate and Boris lying.”
Outgoing Health Secretary Javid resigned after 6 pm local time. in your letter javado wrote: “I can no longer continue to serve in this government in good conscience. I am naturally a team player but the British people also expect honesty from their government. The tone you set as a leader, and the values ​​you represent, reflect those of your allies, your party, and ultimately the country… It’s been three years since you entered Downing Street. You will always be credited for removing the threat of Corbinism and breaking the impasse on Brexit… but the country needs a strong and principled Conservative Party, and the party is bigger than any one person. I served you faithfully and as a friend, but we all serve the country first. ,
Ten minutes later, the outgoing Chancellor of the Exchequer Sunak gave his notice, highlighting the growing tension with the prime minister. He wrote: “For me to step down as chancellor while the world is suffering … serious challenges is a decision I have not taken lightly. However, the public rightly expects the government to be correctly, competent and I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that we cannot continue like this.
“I agree this may be my last ministerial job but I believe these standards are worth fighting for… I firmly believe that the public is ready to hear the truth. They need to know this.” What is needed is that while the road to a better future is not an easy one. In preparation for our proposed joint speech on the economy next week, it has become clear to me that our approaches are fundamentally very different,” he said. He accused Johnson of not working hard, not making sacrifices, and not making tough decisions to achieve the low-tax, high-growth economy that has traditionally been a hallmark of the Conservative Party.
Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer said it was “clear that this Tory government is now falling”. He said that the PM has insulted his office and has let the country down. “He is not fit to rule the country,” Starmer said. He condemned the two ministers for not resigning earlier and called for a general election.
Asked by Indian journalists last week if he wanted to be PM, Sunak had replied: “It says a lot about Britain’s openness and tolerance that I am sitting here at the Treasury. We need to make sure that Needless to say, this isn’t the end of the British Indian story. There’s more we can do and that’s what I’m really excited about in the future.”

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